[Tickets #7395] syncing notes/calendar/tasks to Nokia N95 gives Unsupported Content-Type: for tasks

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Thu Sep 25 19:50:55 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7395
  Ticket             | 7395
  Created By         | adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
  Summary            | syncing notes/calendar/tasks to Nokia N95 gives
                     | Unsupported Content-Type: for tasks
  Queue              | SyncML
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at (2008-09-25 15:50) wrote:

When trying to do a full sync of the calendar (14 notes, 144 calendar  
entries + 77 tasks), only the notes and the calendar events end up on  
the N95:

First, 14 notes get send, then ~100 calendar events and then the  
Maximum message size is approached and a new session gets started. The  
calendar events get fully synced but the tasks produce a  "Unsupported  
Content-Type" error:

DEBUG:  Sending add from server: 20070628193732. at webmail.tugraz.at
DEBUG:  Maximum message size 65535 approached during add; current size: 65072
DEBUG:  Return message completed
DEBUG:  Finished at 2008-09-25 21:11:34. Packet logged in  

DEBUG:  Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
DEBUG:  Started at 2008-09-25 21:11:48. Packet logged in  
DEBUG:  Existing session continued: ca5ce66a876bd994838649c3c5329cf1

DEBUG:  Adding to client from db tasks, server id  
20080615130952.187348frtz49s04k at webmail.tugraz.at
DEBUG:  Sending add from server:  
20080924120156.146263cri1b2fack at webmail.tugraz.at
DEBUG:  Sending add from server:  
20080924102554.3449345vqytnasgi at webmail.tugraz.at
DEBUG:  Sending add from server:  
20080615130952.187348frtz49s04k at webmail.tugraz.at
ERR:    API export call for  
20080615130952.187348frtz49s04k at webmail.tugraz.at failed: Unsupported  

The apache log shows the following error:
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: contentType2 in  
/usr/local/lib/php_cvs_dev/SyncML/Sync.php on line 484

There is no problem when the sync can be done at once, and the message  
size is not near the maximum.

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