[Tickets #7408] Re: Translation of "Delete" string / key in DIMP entry page

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Mon Sep 29 17:56:20 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7408
  Ticket             | 7408
  Updated By         | agerhard at usp.br
  Summary            | Translation of "Delete" string / key in DIMP entry page
  Queue              | DIMP
  Version            | 1.1
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

agerhard at usp.br (2008-09-29 13:56) wrote:

The "Home" key also has a similar problem.

In the keyboard, the name of the key is "Home", but in other places of  
IMP/DIMP it could be
translated to "Inicio".

So maybe is better to have strings that should be translated to key names and
strings that should be translated literally.

For example, _(Home_Key) for the keyboard key "Home".

> In brazilian portuguese, the "Del" keyboard key also has the name "Del".
> The _("Delete") string is used in other parts of the code and is
> translated to "Excluir".
> So In line 247 of templates/index/index.inc,  we could not use
> _("Delete") meaning the key,
> instead we shoud use "_(Del)", as in the first sentence. It's
> Shift+Del, not Shift+Delete/Shift+Excluir.
> diff index.inc.org index.inc:
> 247c247
> <        <span class="kbd"><?php echo _("Del") ?></span> : <?php echo
> _("Delete the currently selected message(s).") ?> <?php printf(_("%s
> will delete the current message and move to the next message if a
> single message is selected."), '<span class="kbd">' . _("Shift") .
> '</span> + <span class="kbd">' . _("Delele") . '</span>') ?><br />
> ---
>>        <span class="kbd"><?php echo _("Del") ?></span> : <?php echo
>> _("Delete the currently selected message(s).") ?> <?php printf(_("%s
>> will delete the current message and move to the next message if a
>> single message is selected."), '<span class="kbd">' . _("Shift") .
>> '</span> + <span class="kbd">' . _("Del") . '</span>') ?><br />

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