[Tickets #7407] Re: Photos: storing in LDAP and broken conatct sync

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Tue Sep 30 13:18:09 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7407
  Ticket             | 7407
  Updated By         | robb at wtg.cw.com
  Summary            | Photos: storing in LDAP and broken conatct sync
  Queue              | Turba
  Version            | 2.3
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

xk3 at mompl.org (2008-09-29 10:11) wrote:

As follow up to closed #5971

Hi, just upgraded to current turba 2.3
and run into some problems with PHOTO

1) storing contact without a photo in LDAP

The attribute array always contains an array for the photo item. If
there is no photo set, this array is empty, but is not catched by the
function _emptyAttributeFilter in turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php. This
results in an error in _add to LDAP. Stripping empty arrays too solves
at least this problem.

      function _emptyAttributeFilter($var)
          if (!is_array($var)) {
              return ($var != '');
          } else {
              if (count($var) == 0) { return false; }    <<===
              foreach ($var as $v) {

Storing in turba DB doesn't show this bug, but photos are stored as 0B
blobs instead of NULL blobs.

2) base64 is terminated by a blank line, so eliminate it before
     matching the following vCalender attributes. Otherwise the name of
     one following PHOTO will start with a \r\n, so it will be
     discarded afterward

     in /lib/Horde/iCalendar.php

          // Unfold any folded lines.
-       $vCal = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+[ \t]/', '', $vCal);
+       $vCal = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+[ \t]+/', '', $vCal);
+       $vCal = preg_replace('/\r\n\r\n/', "\r\n", $vCal);

     (First line only beautifies the base64 code by stripping all
     whitespace. The second line does the necessary work by deleting all
     blank lines.)

     and add the blank line in /turba/lib/Driver.php again before
     sending to mobile:

              case 'photo':
              case 'logo':
                  $params = array('ENCODING' => 'base64');
                  if (isset($hash[$key . 'type'])) {
                      $params['TYPE'] = $hash[$key . 'type'];
-                                    base64_encode($val),
+                                    base64_encode($val) . "\r\n",

3) Browsing the address book with photo as a visible column results in a
     warning per entry containing a photo:

     Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array
     given in
     on line 90

         if ($ob->hasValue($this->columns[$c - 1])) {
          $value = $ob->getValue($this->columns[$c - 1]);
-        $shown_columns[$c] = htmlspecialchars($value)
+        $shown_columns[$c] = is_array($value) ? $value :
          if ($type == 'email') {

     No thinking on my side, just getting rid of this warning, so check

4) In toHash and tovCard, the encoding of a photo is tested against
     and set to 'b'. Is that a valid encoding name at all? Changed
     it to 'base64' and it worked again. In turba/lib/Driver.php

              case 'photo':
              case 'logo':
-               $params = array('ENCODING' => 'b');
+               $params = array('ENCODING' => 'base64');

                  if (!isset($item['params']['ENCODING']) ||
-                   String::lower($item['params']['ENCODING']) != 'b') {
+                   String::lower($item['params']['ENCODING']) != 'base64') {
                      // Invalid property.

5) Finally, how am I supposed to delete a photo from a contact or save
     it to a local file (e.g. for doing some cropping stuff in an external
     tool)? There are no delete and save buttons as for a common file.

Having this patched, I can add (ldap), change, view and sync photos


PS: any thoughts on adding crop support? Photos taken by mobiles have
a stupid format for contact photos. Otherwise, I could live with as
save as local file button.

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