[Tickets #7640] LDAP Authentication not working

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Wed Nov 5 15:48:50 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7640
  Ticket             | 7640
  Created By         | kristian.lance at crc.ca
  Summary            | LDAP Authentication not working
  Queue              | Horde Base
  Version            | 3.3
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

kristian.lance at crc.ca (2008-11-05 10:48) wrote:

I've got Horde 3.3 LDAP authentication configured exactly the same way  
as I had it in 3.1 and it refuses to authenticate. Originally I had  
the message "Empty Result" and applied the fix from ticket #6362. I  
might add that although this fix is marked as having been applied to  
HEAD in March 2008, it is still not in the final release code so might  
have gotten overlooked. Regardless, I now get the message "Login  
failed." The horde.log entries don't tell me much, other than the fact  
that the login failed. I'm authenticating against an AD v.3 server  
using SSL (ldaps://) with md5-hex password encryption, and when I go  
back to Horde 3.1 with the same exact configuration, it allows me to  
log in with no problem. I can't really provide more information based  
on the debug info. I'm getting. Is there something I can do to get a  
better handle on what's going on in the background? I removed the '@'  
form all the ldap statements in lib/Horde/Auth/ldap.php and didn't see  
any errors. Thanks!

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