[Tickets #7654] Search query parser for consistent search UI across all Horde apps

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Fri Nov 7 03:25:49 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7654
  Ticket             | 7654
  Created By         | Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
  Summary            | Search query parser for consistent search UI across all
                     | Horde apps
  Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
  Version            | HEAD
  Type               | Enhancement
  State              | Assigned
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Chuck Hagenbuch

Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> (2008-11-06 22:25) wrote:

I want to write a framework package - current working name  
Horde_Search_StringParser - that will parse searches entered into a  
single text input and do something useful with them, that is  
consistent across all Horde apps. We should then put a search bar at  
the top right of all apps possible, that uses this syntax. The bars  
that are already there in Whups and Wicked (others?) should be  
extended to use the new syntax; Wicked already does a decent job of  
running a useful search based on any text that's entered, but Whups  
just takes ticket ids and could be a *lot* more useful with this.

Gmail has a good description of the syntax and rules that I think I  
want to follow almost exactly, with the exception of detecting a  
search that's only an integer and flagging it differently (at least  
where relevant for Whups, etc.).


And my original notes before finding the gmail doc (this is no longer  
the full intent here but I'm including it for completeness, content,  
and thought process):

class that all app can use for standardized parsing of text into  
search criteria (not SQL; could be then turned into SQL, though).

should be internationalized like horde_date_parser and  
horde_support_numerizer will be.

- all numeric: it's an id
- simple string: search the default text field
- text with colons: search named fields

1234 - returns type id, value 1234
foo - returns type default, value foo
foo: bar, baz: qux - returns type array (?), value array('foo' =>  
'bar', 'baz' => 'qux')
foo: bar, baz, qux - returns type array, value array('foo' => 'bar, baz, qux')

Incorporate the same rules, implemented in javascript, to  
QuickFinder.js (maybe rename that too?), and allow for naming columns  
so that the criteria searches work. Might be too complicated to pull  
columns out of tables when searching, though - pre-caching probably  
won't work anymore at least.

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