[Tickets #7754] smime.php extractSignedContents hangs on larger mails (openssl process never returns)
bugs at horde.org
bugs at horde.org
Fri Dec 5 10:45:24 UTC 2008
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7754
Ticket | 7754
Created By | harakiri_23 at yahoo.com
Summary | smime.php extractSignedContents hangs on larger mails
| (openssl process never returns)
Queue | Horde Framework Packages
Version | FRAMEWORK_3
Type | Bug
State | Unconfirmed
Priority | 3. High
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners |
harakiri_23 at yahoo.com (2008-12-05 05:45) wrote:
The function function extractSignedContents($data, $sslpath) in
smime.php used by imp to get the mail content without signature, uses
piped input for openssl communication.
This is a bad approach and not suggested by the openssl mailling list,
because depending on the system it will lead to side effects. For
small messages ( <100kb) it will work fine, but for larger the
function call never returns because a simply ps aux reveals openssl
never returns.
Instead of piping the message to the openssl input, temporary file
input and output should be used like all other functions already
implemented in the smime.php libary.
The following corrected function will dont have any issues on any
system, plus its a lot faster then piping, also the php mem size can
be lower then for piping input:
* Extract the contents from signed S/MIME data.
* @param string $data The signed S/MIME data.
* @param string $sslpath The path to the OpenSSL binary.
* @return string The contents embedded in the signed data.
* Returns PEAR_Error on error.
function extractSignedContents($data, $sslpath)
// dont use pipes ! openssl will hang
/* Check for availability of OpenSSL PHP extension. */
$openssl = $this->checkForOpenSSL();
if (is_a($openssl, 'PEAR_Error')) {
return $openssl;
$input = $this->_createTempFile('horde-smime');
$output = $this->_createTempFile('horde-smime');
/* Write text to file */
$fp = fopen($input, 'w+');
fwrite($fp, $data);
exec($sslpath . ' smime -verify -noverify -nochain -in '
.$input. ' -out ' .$output);
$return = file_get_contents($output);
return $return;
This is a critical issue and should be fixed in the next release.
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