[Tickets #7838] IMP Compose Page Need to login to send email!

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Mon Jan 12 11:11:41 UTC 2009


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7838
  Ticket             | 7838
  Created By         | sas at salman.or.id
  Summary            | IMP Compose Page Need to login to send email!
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | 4.1.6
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 3. High
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

sas at salman.or.id (2009-01-12 06:11) wrote:

IMP compose email pop-up window need login again, when autoexpand  
feature activate.
Sending process failed because row locking on table horde_sessionhandler.

This is my conclussion to the problem, after trial-error and view the  
log file:
- the autoexpand process (for email address) is lock the session  
record in table horde_sessionhandler
- when we try to send the email, this processs can not access the  
session record (since autoexpand process locked it)
- then imp force user to relogin, new session id will be generated i guess!

How to regenerate the problem?
- setup more than one turba address book with external LDAP/Active Directory
- make sure all address book working
- activate autoexpand feature
- set imp mail composition option to using pop-up window
- shutdown one of the address book server
- compose mail from imp
- fill "To" field with random destination email addressan move cursor  
to subject, the red block "Expanding" will be showed for a long time!  
(May be it need to connect to LDAP/Active Directory Server that we  
shutdown earlier.)
- klik "Send Message" button, if the timeout value exceeded (i don't  
know what the value and where is it) the pop-up window show login page.


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