[Tickets #8012] Re: IMAP Login Loging Fail Message

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Fri Feb 20 00:00:10 UTC 2009


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8012
  Ticket             | 8012
  Updated By         | jvelez at jedmailpr.com
  Summary            | IMAP Login Loging Fail Message
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | 4.3.3
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Not A Bug
  Priority           | 3. High
  Milestone          |
  Patch              | 1
  Owners             |

jvelez at jedmailpr.com (2009-02-19 19:00) wrote:

>> There is a bug in the /imp/lib/IMAP/Client.php file. On function
>> _loging (almost line 442 on a vi terminal) the password for the IMAP
>> server is send like  {".strlen($password)."} which send the actual
>> length of the password and not the password itself, this prevents the
>> IMP application of logging to the mail server. I make a search on the
>> web and others users may have this issue.
> If this is broken for you, then your IMAP server is broken.  This is
> how to quote literals in IMAP.  Please read RFC 3501.

Take a look again an check:

The client is not permitted to send the octets of the literal unless
    the server indicates that it is expected.  This permits the server to
    process commands and reject errors on a line-by-line basis.  The
    remainder of the command, including the CRLF that terminates a
    command, follows the octets of the literal.  If there are any
    additional command arguments, the literal octets are followed by a
    space and those arguments.

    Example:    C: A001 LOGIN {11}
                S: + Ready for additional command text
                C: FRED FOOBAR {7}
                S: + Ready for additional command text
                C: fat man
                S: A001 OK LOGIN completed
                C: A044 BLURDYBLOOP {102856}
                S: A044 BAD No such command as "BLURDYBLOOP"

The implementation, makes the process fail. :)

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