[Tickets #8270] Re: Wicked tries (and fails) to bind to LDAP as Page creator

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Fri May 15 00:05:25 UTC 2009


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8270
  Ticket             | 8270
  Updated By         | simon at simonandkate.net
  Summary            | Wicked tries (and fails) to bind to LDAP as Page
                     | creator
  Queue              | Wicked
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

simon at simonandkate.net (2009-05-14 20:05) wrote:

With Horde set to debug logging, logs are as follows for when this occurs:

May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [horde] Connected to the following  
memcache servers:localhost:11211 [pid 1577 on line 127 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Wicked_Driver_sql::_retrieve():  
SELECT * FROM wicked_pages WHERE page_name = 'Server_Setup' [pid 1577  
on line 927 of "/usr/share/horde/wicked/lib/Driver/sql.php"]
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked]  
Wicked_Driver_sql::logPageView(Server_Setup): UPDATE wicked_pages SET  
page_hits = page_hits + 1 WHERE page_name = ? [pid 1577 on line 558 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Wicked_Driver_sql::getPages():  
SELECT page_id, page_name FROM wicked_pages [pid 1577 on line 763 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache miss:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 newer  
than 1242259380) [pid 1577 on line 169 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] SQL Query by  
DataTree_sql::_exists(): SELECT datatree_id FROM horde_datatree WHERE  
group_uid = ? AND datatree_name = ? AND datatree_parents = ?, array (
   0 => 'horde.perms',
   1 => 'wicked',
   2 => '',
) [pid 1577 on line 398 of "/usr/share/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] SQL Query by  
DataTree_sql::_exists(): SELECT datatree_id FROM horde_datatree WHERE  
group_uid = ? AND datatree_name = ? AND datatree_parents = ?, array (
   0 => 'horde.perms',
   1 => 'pages',
   2 => ':83',
) [pid 1577 on line 398 of "/usr/share/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] SQL Query by  
DataTree_sql::_exists(): SELECT datatree_id FROM horde_datatree WHERE  
group_uid = ? AND datatree_name = ? AND datatree_parents = ?, array (
   0 => 'horde.perms',
   1 => '3',
   2 => ':83:84',
) [pid 1577 on line 398 of "/usr/share/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache set:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 set at  
1242345780 expires at 1242432180) [pid 1577 on line 211 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] SQL query by  
Horde_Alarm_sql::_list(): SELECT alarm_id, alarm_uid, alarm_start,  
alarm_end, alarm_methods, alarm_params, alarm_title, alarm_text,  
alarm_snooze, alarm_internal FROM horde_alarms WHERE alarm_dismissed =  
0 AND ((alarm_snooze IS NULL AND alarm_start <= ?) OR alarm_snooze <=  
?) AND (alarm_end IS NULL OR alarm_end >= ?) AND (alarm_uid = ? OR  
alarm_uid = ?) ORDER BY alarm_start, alarm_end [pid 1577 on line 148  
of "/usr/share/horde/lib/Horde/Alarm/sql.php"]
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache hit:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 newer  
than 1242259380) [pid 1577 on line 175 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Wicked_Driver_sql::_retrieve():  
SELECT * FROM wicked_attachments WHERE page_id = 3 [pid 1577 on line  
927 of "/usr/share/horde/wicked/lib/Driver/sql.php"]
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache hit:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 newer  
than 1242259380) [pid 1577 on line 175 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache hit:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 newer  
than 1242259380) [pid 1577 on line 175 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache hit:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 newer  
than 1242259380) [pid 1577 on line 175 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache hit:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 newer  
than 1242259380) [pid 1577 on line 175 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache hit:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 newer  
than 1242259380) [pid 1577 on line 175 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [error] [wicked] Error rebinding for prefs  
writing: [53]: Server is unwilling to perform [pid 1577 on line 270 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [error] [wicked] Internal LDAP error.  Details  
have been logged for the administrator. [pid 1577 on line 348 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [error] [wicked] Error rebinding for prefs  
writing: [53]: Server is unwilling to perform [pid 1577 on line 270 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [error] [wicked] Internal LDAP error.  Details  
have been logged for the administrator. [pid 1577 on line 348 of  
May 15 10:03:00 HORDE [debug] [wicked] Cache hit:  
perm_exists_wicked:pages:3 (Id b388c006a6ca2417ee65b88de6435e97 newer  
than 1242259380) [pid 1577 on line 175 of  

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