[Tickets #8304] Using the hunspell spelling checker

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Sat May 23 13:04:28 UTC 2009


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8304
  Ticket             | 8304
  Created By         | torlasz at net.sote.hu
  Summary            | Using the hunspell spelling checker
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | 4.3.4
  Type               | Enhancement
  State              | New
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |
+New Attachment     | hunspell.php

torlasz at net.sote.hu (2009-05-23 09:04) wrote:

I tried to add hunspell support to IMP 4.3.4. The system is CENTOS 5  
linux, using Horde 3.3.4, hunspell-1.2.7-5 rpm (built from Fedora 10  
source rpm). Attached you can find the php program I made based on  
aspell.php. (Note: I am not a php programmer)

I set the IMP config like this:
$conf['spell']['params']['path'] = '/usr/bin/hunspell';
$conf['spell']['driver'] = 'hunspell';

Putting ASCII chars into the message window, using -d en_EN, -i utf-8  
I am getting back from the hunspell reading the pipe only the first  
greeting line of hunspell:
@(#) International Ispell Version 3.2.06 (but really Hunspell 1.2.7)

Nothing more. However, if I run the relevant lines from the code as a  
CLI php program (as user apache), I get back the expected response.  
That's something I don't understand. The hunspell program gets the  
input from Horde (I checked that running through a simple shell script  
with tee-ing input and output of hunspell).
Also the same hunspell binary worked perfectly with Horde/IMP  
3.1.5/4.1.5 on the same machine.

It would be really nice to be able to use hunspell with the current  
IMP (quite a few languages can't use aspell). It used to work until I  
upgraded to Horde/IMP 3.3.4/4.3.4, and my users liked this feature.

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