[Tickets #8381] Re: Horde Alarms and Kronolith Alerts Use Different Timezones for SQL Queries
bugs at horde.org
bugs at horde.org
Fri Jun 26 18:48:09 UTC 2009
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8381
Ticket | 8381
Updated By | aheagle at ca.afilias.info
Summary | Horde Alarms and Kronolith Alerts Use Different
| Timezones for SQL Queries
Queue | Kronolith
Version | 2.3.1
Type | Bug
State | Unconfirmed
Priority | 2. Medium
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners |
rmcauley at ca.afilias.info (2009-06-26 14:47) wrote:
I've been continually hunting a bug where Kronolith event alarms do
not have working emails sent. My setup is:
- PostgreSQL 8.1
- PHP 5.1.6
- CentOS 5.2
- Apache 2.2
- Hardware clock and configured local timezone are UTC
The Horde default timezone is America/New_York, currently -4 UTC, and
is the configured time zone on the account I am using to test this bug.
When Kronolith's SQL driver performs _listAlarms, on a test event with
alarm I created, it returns the alarm using the local time zone of
New_York. (for example, 14:00) Passing back up to the Horde Alarm
_set function, the time stays the same: 14:00. In the horde_alarms
table in the database, the result is (again for emphasis) 14:00 when
queried from a local psql command line.
What happens next is that the Horde frameworks' Alarm/sql.php, in the
_list function, uses a $time->rfc3339DateTime() value to query for
current alarms in the system local time zone, in my case, UTC. The
result is that the _list function is looking for alarms at 18:00,
while the _set function stored the alarm as happening at 14:00.
To a human sitting at his desk, this is the same time once timezones
are involved. However, the field in the database is a timestamp
without a timezone type, and the Horde logic and SQL queries do not
take into account timezones.
As a result, no Kronolith email alerts are sent from my Horde install.
I'd be happy to contribute a patch if one of the Horde devs would
provide guidance on what would be an acceptable solution. Converting
all alarms to use UTC time would, I think, be the fastest ideal
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