[Tickets #8499] Dimp Random Attachement Bug

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Mon Aug 17 10:10:07 UTC 2009


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8499
  Ticket             | 8499
  Created By         | sebastien.bilbeau at univ-rennes1.fr
  Summary            | Dimp Random Attachement Bug
  Queue              | Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
  Version            | 1.2.3
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 3. High
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |
+New Attachment     | dimp-bug.jpeg

sebastien.bilbeau at univ-rennes1.fr (2009-08-17 06:10) wrote:

We have installed horde-webmail (actual verions is 1.2.3) in our  
University and since 2 mounth we are in production (approximately 3000  
users per day). Some users reported us an issue with Dimp interface  
and attachements. The problem reported is random, sometimes  
attachments work, sometimes not.

Every time, the message is send with attachments, but at the  
reception, they have disappeared. This bug doesn't exist with Imp  

After trying to reproduct the issue (it's very hard, because it's a  
random issue), I have finaly found a method, but I think that this is  
not the only one :

1/ open horde-webmail with Dimp interface
2/ compose a new message
3/ add an attachement

On our server, we can see the attachement :
# ls -lgrt impatt*
-rw-------  1 apache   224256 Aug 17 11:34 impattLCCVy8

4/ Wait one minute :
# date
Mon Aug 17 11:34:52 CEST 2009

# date
Mon Aug 17 11:35:55 CEST 2009

5/ open a new compose message box
6/ switch to the first compose message box
7/ add a second attachement

On our server, we can see all attachements :
# ls -lgrt impatt*
-rw-------  1 apache   224256 Aug 17 11:34 impattLCCVy8
-rw-------  1 apache   224768 Aug 17 11:35 impattW8pzfe

8/ send the message

In our inbox, the message is recieve whitout attachements. And on the  
server, the impatt* files are not deleted.

Additionnal informations :
horde-webmail version : 1.2.3
dimp version : 1.1.2

Sessions are stocked in a mysql database :
# Sessions
$conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
$conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
$conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;
# Session en base de donnee
$conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'mysql';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['persistent'] = false;
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['rowlocking'] = true;
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['port'] = 3307;
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['hostspec'] = '****';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['username'] = '****';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['password'] = '****';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['database'] = '****';

If we share all sessions with an NFS mounting, the issue is the same.

PS : Additionnal informations in the dimp-bug.jpeg

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