[Tickets #6875] Re: New Search GUI
bugs at horde.org
bugs at horde.org
Tue Sep 15 06:00:21 UTC 2009
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/6875
Ticket | 6875
Updated By | Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Summary | New Search GUI
Queue | IMP
-Version | HEAD
+Version | Git master
Type | Enhancement
State | Accepted
Priority | 2. Medium
Milestone | 5.0
Patch |
Owners | Michael Slusarz
Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> (2009-09-15 02:00) wrote:
> 5. Create an 'Advanced' search screen. This screen will look
> similar to the current search screen, except it will be AJAX-y.
> Probably drag/drop. This search will be linked via the Horde_Menu
> search icon in IMP, via the 'Advanced Search...' dropdown option in
> DIMP, and via an 'Advanced Mode' link on the basic search screen.
> Virtual Folders can be created from this screen.
First draft done. No drag/drop yet - it only becomes useful once we
allow mixed AND/OR sorting. Not linked in DIMP yet.
> 6. Optimize internal search storage a bit. Namely, remove saving
> the array of UI data and instead rebuild searches from the contents
> of the query object itself.
Done. This still needs to be done via an IMP specific data structure
rather than the query object, but this structure has been optimized
for reduced memory/storage.
Additional TODOs:
7. Document criteria UI data structure.
8. Implement or searching (+ drag/drop)
9. Implement 'SINCE' searches
10. Implement custom header searches
11. Link advanced search inside dimp view
12. Auto-upgrade virtual folders from IMP 4.x format (take old UI
array, convert it to new UI array, and pass this new array to
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