[Tickets #9014] error in conf.xml for "FTP driver for qmail compliant mailers"

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Mon May 10 13:06:52 UTC 2010


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9014
  Ticket             | 9014
  Created By         | nagash303 at hotmail.com
  Summary            | error in conf.xml for "FTP driver for qmail compliant
                     | mailers"
  Queue              | Vacation
  Version            | 3.2.1
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

nagash303 at hotmail.com (2010-05-10 09:06) wrote:


To get horde-vacation to work properly (upload all vacation files to  
account), I had to insert this xml code (found here below), put it  
last in the "FTP driver for qmail compliant mailers" block (copied  
from the "FTP driver for dot-forward compliant mailers" block)

After that, when saved configuration for vacation, this is added to conf.php:
$conf['server']['params']['default']['dbtype'] = 'empty';
and it works as expected.

Below is xml code:

       <configenum name="dbtype" desc="The type of database file to use">empty
         <value desc="An empty file">empty</value>
         <value desc="Berkeley DB 2.x hash, little endian">hash</value>
         <value desc="Berkeley DB 3.x hash, little endian">hash3</value>
         <value desc="Berkeley DB 4.x hash, little endian">hash4</value>
         <value desc="Berkeley DB 4.x hash, big endian">hash4b</value>
         <value desc="Berkeley DB 2.x btree, little endian">btree</value>
         <value desc="GNU dbm (gdbm) database, little endian">gdbm</value>
         <value desc="GNU dbm (gdbm) database, big endian">gdbmb</value>

I had to modify horde/vacation/lib/Driver/qmail.php to get working  
directory path
for mailbox, (.maildir insted of Maildir) 2 places.
Maybe this is not a bug but should help others, be documented at horde wiki.

I allso had to have:
$conf['vacation']['subject'] = true;
$conf['vacation']['from'] = true;
otherwise the bounce mail to sender had wrong from address. (could be  
error in my vacation binary, or configuration on server, so not sure  
this is a horde-vacation bug) Maybe god info for horde vacation wiki?

At last, to get clean vacation form, I modified:

diff -ur main.inc.dist main.inc
--- main.inc.dist       2009-05-07 17:27:47.000000000 +0200
+++ main.inc    2010-05-10 13:40:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@

  <?php if ($GLOBALS['conf']['vacation']['subject']): ?>
-<?php echo Horde::label('subject', _("Subject:")) ?>
  <br />
-<input name="subject" id="subject" type="text" size="70" value="<?php  
echo htmlspecialchars($cursubject) ?>" />
+<input name="subject" id="subject" type="hidden" size="70"  
value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($cursubject) ?>" />
  <?php endif; ?>

  <?php if ($GLOBALS['conf']['vacation']['from'] &&  
$driver->hasCapability('changeFrom')): ?>
-<?php echo Horde::label('from', _("From:")) ?>
  <br />
-<input name="from" id="from" type="text" size="70" value="<?php echo  
htmlspecialchars($curfrom) ?>" />
+<input name="from" id="from" type="hidden" size="70" value="<?php  
echo htmlspecialchars($curfrom) ?>" />
  <?php endif; ?>

This is maybe not a bug but could help others, if added to  
horde-vacation wiki.

If you have any questions, just ask.

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