[Tickets #8955] Re: Attendee get error on delete cancelled events

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Wed Jul 14 11:05:51 UTC 2010


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8955
  Ticket             | 8955
  Updated By         | daniel.beneyto at upcnet.es
  Summary            | Attendee get error on delete cancelled events
  Queue              | Kronolith
  Version            | 2.3.2
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |
+New Attachment     | sql.php

daniel.beneyto at upcnet.es (2010-07-14 07:05) wrote:

I confirm that this issue still in last Kronolith stable version. (  
kronolith-h3-2.3.4 )

I attach Kronolith H3 2.3.2 sql.php file which I modified to solve the  
problem. Maybe you can make a look on it and say if the modifications  
are OK or can produce collateral issues.


> Problem: Attendee get error on delete cancelled events
> I describe how to reproduce the issue:
> OX = Operation
> MC = Meeting creator
> A1 = Attendee 1
> A2 = Attendee 2
> O1 : MC creates a meeting and add to attendees (A1 and A2) -> Send  
> new event notification.
> O2 : A1 accept and add to calendar event
> O3 : A2 accept and add to calendar event
> O4 : MC delete event -> Send cancel notification
> O5 : A1 "accept" delete event from calendar -> Get error ("There was  
> an error deleting the event: Event not found")
> O6 : A2 "accept" delete event from calendar -> Work OK
> O7 : A1 "accept" delete event from calendar -> Work OK now
> ------------
> As I could see, it seems that deletions from notification messages  
> are not getting events correctly. They seem order depending.
> I check and debbug sql.php and mysql database values and realise  
> that when delete operation fails on sql.php &getId() funcion is  
> getting wrong event_id, and when is trying to execute deleteEvent  
> function MySQL DELETE sentence does not match event_id with  
> calendar_id.
> I make a kind of workarround to return correct event_id on &getId  
> function but I dunno which collateral effects will have.
> Please, could someone confirm that I'm not the only is having this issue.
> If some additional info is needed no doubt to contact me.
> Thanks,

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