[Tickets #9151] Re: Kronolith, Nag, Mnemo, turba wont work with Oracle DB

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Tue Jul 27 13:36:53 UTC 2010


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9151
  Ticket             | 9151
  Updated By         | robert at databee.org
  Summary            | Kronolith, Nag, Mnemo, turba wont work with Oracle DB
  Queue              | Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
  Version            | 1.2.6
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 3. High
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

robert at databee.org (2010-07-27 09:35) wrote:

When using Oracle as Database, the Connections of the calender,  
adress, notes and tasks Apllications to the Database fail.

The Error shown in the Web is: "MDB2 Error: not found"
In the horde.log the error shows for example as:

  HORDE [error] [turba] MDB2 Error: not found: [Error message: not a  
valid connection string or environment variable [ORACLE_SID|TWO_TASK]  
not set]
  [pid 15777 on line 452 of  

Horde itself can open and use the database.

I have only very limited knowledge and experience with php and no  
infrastructure für debugging, but as far as I got (opened my own  
logfile and dumped variables and arrays), I found out that at some  
place the connect-string was used as User-Name.

See contents of the dsn Array from my own logging:
dsn: Array
     [phptype] => oci8
     [dbsyntax] => oci8
     [username] => horde
     [password] => HORDE
     [protocol] =>
     [hostspec] =>
     [port] =>
     [socket] =>
     [database] => dwo/dbrmz.robbienet.local
     [mode] =>
     [persistent] =>

This is, how it should be (right at the start in the MDB2.php File)

And this is, what's passed to the oci8.php for the connection:

  dsn: Array
     [phptype] => oci8
     [dbsyntax] => oci8
     [username] => dwo/dbrmz.robbienet.local
     [password] => HORDE
     [protocol] =>
     [hostspec] =>
     [port] =>
     [socket] =>
     [database] => dwo/dbrmz.robbienet.local
     [mode] =>
     [persistent] =>

The username is now the connect-string.

Somewhere in the Web I found the hint, that one should set the  
'emulate_database' option to false and I tried that, but got no luck -  
probably I did wrong...

I do have a (kronolith)  H3 (2.1.5) install, where this all works properly.

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