[Tickets #9200] Fatal error generating thumbnails

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Wed Aug 25 11:08:47 UTC 2010


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9200
  Ticket             | 9200
  Created By         | Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
  Summary            | Fatal error generating thumbnails
  Queue              | Ansel
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Assigned
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> (2010-08-25 07:08) wrote:

( ! ) Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object in  
/home/jan/horde-git/ansel/lib/ImageGenerator.php on line 183
Call Stack
#	Time	Memory	Function	Location
1	0,0004	350156	{main}( )	../view.php:0
2	2,1323	28625796	Ansel_View_List->html( )	../view.php:50
3	2,1763	28825564	include(  
'/home/jan/horde-git/ansel/templates/view/list.inc' )	../List.php:249
4	2,2272	28914576	Ansel_Gallery->getTile( NULL, 'ansel_polaroid',  
FALSE, array ('page' => 0, 'sort' => NULL, 'sort_dir' => 0, 'year' =>  
0, 'month' => 0, 'day' => 0, 'view' => 'List', 'gallery_view' => NULL,  
'gallery_id' => NULL, 'gallery_slug' => NULL, 'force_grouping' =>  
NULL, 'image_id' => NULL, '_pagerurl' => class Horde_Url { public $url  
= '/headhorde/ansel/user/jan/'; public $raw = FALSE; public  
$parameters = array (); public $pathInfo = NULL; public $anchor = '';  
public $toStringCallback = NULL }, '_pager' => class  
Horde_Core_Ui_Pager { protected $_preserve = array ('sort_dir' => 0,  
'sort' => 'name'); protected $_name = 'page'; protected $_vars = class  
Horde_Variables { protected $_vars = array (...); protected  
$_expectedVariables = array (...); protected $_sanitized = FALSE };  
protected $_config = array ('page_limit' => 10, 'perpage' => '9',  
'num' => '2', 'url' => class Horde_Url { ... }); protected  
$_url_callback = array (0 => 'Horde', 1 => 'applicationUrl') })  
)	../list.inc:46
5	2,2273	28915212	Ansel_Tile_Gallery->getTile( class Ansel_Gallery {  
protected $_modeHelper = class Ansel_GalleryMode_Date { protected  
$_date = array (); protected $_features = array (0 => 'slideshow', 1  
=> 'zipdownload', 2 => 'upload'); protected $_subGalleries = array ();  
protected $_gallery = ... }; public $data = array ('share_id' =>  
'4852', 'share_owner' => 'jan', 'share_parents' => NULL, 'share_flags'  
=> '0', 'attribute_name' => 'Test', 'attribute_desc' => '',  
'attribute_default' => '139', 'attribute_default_type' => 'auto',  
'attribute_default_prettythumb' => '', 'attribute_style' =>  
'ansel_sharpshadowed', 'attribute_category' => '',  
'attribute_last_modified' => '1216209754', 'attribute_date_created' =>  
'1094397712', 'attribute_images' => '4', 'attribute_has_subgalleries'  
=> '0', 'attribute_slug' => '', 'attribute_age' => '0',  
'attribute_download' => 'all', 'attribute_passwd' => NULL,  
'attribute_view_mode' => 'Date', 'perm' => array ('type' => 'matrix',  
'default' => 6, 'guest' => 6, 'creator' => 0)); protected $_shareOb =  
class Horde_Share_Sql_Hierarchical { protected $_shareObject =  
'Ansel_Gallery'; protected $_db = class MDB2_Driver_mysql { public  
$string_quoting = array (...); public $identifier_quoting = array  
(...); public $sql_comments = array (...); public $start_transaction =  
TRUE; public $varchar_max_length = 65532; public $db_index = 2; public  
$dsn = array (...); public $connected_dsn = array (...); public  
$connection = resource(138) of type (mysql link); public  
$opened_persistent = FALSE; public $database_name = 'horde'; public  
$connected_database_name = 'horde'; public $connected_server_info =  
'5.0.51a'; public $supported = array (...); public $options = array  
(...); public $wildcards = array (...); public $as_keyword = ' AS ';  
public $warnings = array (...); public $debug_output = ''; public  
$in_transaction = NULL; public $nested_transaction_counter = NULL;  
public $has_transaction_error = FALSE; public $offset = 0; public  
$limit = 0; public $phptype = 'mysql'; public $dbsyntax = 'mysql';  
public $last_query = 'SELECT DISTINCT s.* FROM ansel_shares s LEFT  
JOIN ansel_shares_users u ON u.share_id = s.share_id LEFT JOIN  
ansel_shares_groups g ON g.share_id = s.share_id WHERE (s.share_owner  
= \'jan\' OR (s.perm_creator & 2) OR (s.perm_default & 2) OR (  
u.user_uid = \'jan\' AND (u.perm & 2)) OR (g.group_uid IN (\'8280\')  
AND (g.perm & 2))) AND (share_parents = \':4852\' OR share_parents  
LIKE \':4852:%\') ORDER BY s.share_id ASC'; public $fetchmode = 1;  
public $modules = array (...); public $destructor_registered = TRUE;  
public $_debug = FALSE; public $_default_error_mode = NULL; public  
$_default_error_options = NULL; public $_default_error_handler = '';  
public $_error_class = 'PEAR_Error'; public $_expected_errors = array  
(...); public $datatype = class MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql { ... };  
public $loaded_version_modules = array (...) }; protected $_write_db =  
class MDB2_Driver_mysql { public $string_quoting = array (...); public  
$identifier_quoting = array (...); public $sql_comments = array (...);  
public $start_transaction = TRUE; public $varchar_max_length = 65532;  
public $db_index = 2; public $dsn = array (...); public $connected_dsn  
= array (...); public $connection = resource(138) of type (mysql  
link); public $opened_persistent = FALSE; public $database_name =  
'horde'; public $connected_database_name = 'horde'; public  
$connected_server_info = '5.0.51a'; public $supported = array (...);  
public $options = array (...); public $wildcards = array (...); public  
$as_keyword = ' AS '; public $warnings = array (...); public  
$debug_output = ''; public $in_transaction = NULL; public  
$nested_transaction_counter = NULL; public $has_transaction_error =  
FALSE; public $offset = 0; public $limit = 0; public $phptype =  
'mysql'; public $dbsyntax = 'mysql'; public $last_query = 'SELECT  
DISTINCT s.* FROM ansel_shares s LEFT JOIN ansel_shares_users u ON  
u.share_id = s.share_id LEFT JOIN ansel_shares_groups g ON g.share_id  
= s.share_id WHERE (s.share_owner = \'jan\' OR (s.perm_creator & 2) OR  
(s.perm_default & 2) OR ( u.user_uid = \'jan\' AND (u.perm & 2)) OR  
(g.group_uid IN (\'8280\') AND (g.perm & 2))) AND (share_parents =  
\':4852\' OR share_parents LIKE \':4852:%\') ORDER BY s.share_id ASC';  
public $fetchmode = 1; public $modules = array (...); public  
$destructor_registered = TRUE; public $_debug = FALSE; public  
$_default_error_mode = NULL; public $_default_error_options = NULL;  
public $_default_error_handler = ''; public $_error_class =  
'PEAR_Error'; public $_expected_errors = array (...); public $datatype  
= class MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql { ... }; public  
$loaded_version_modules = array (...) }; protected $_params = array  
('persistent' => FALSE, 'username' => 'horde', 'password' =>  
'H20Kopf', 'socket' => '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock', 'protocol' =>  
'unix', 'database' => 'horde', 'charset' => 'iso-8859-1', 'ssl' =>  
FALSE, 'splitread' => FALSE, 'phptype' => 'mysql', 'hostspec' => '');  
protected $_table = 'ansel_shares'; protected $_app = 'ansel';  
protected $_root = NULL; protected $_cache = array (); protected  
$_shareMap = array (); protected $_listcache = array (); protected  
$_sortList = NULL; protected $_permsObject = class Horde_Perms_Sql {  
protected $_params = array (...); protected $_db = class  
Horde_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql { ... }; private $_cacheVersion = 2;  
protected $_permsCache = array (...); protected $_cache = class  
Horde_Cache_File { ... }; protected $_logger = class  
Horde_Core_Log_Logger { ... }; protected $_appPerms = NULL } } },  
array ('name' => 'ansel_polaroid', 'title' => 'Polaroid-Vorschau  
(Weißer Hintergrund)', 'thumbstyle' => 'PolaroidThumb', 'background'  
=> 'white', 'default_galleryimage_type' => 'PolaroidStack', 'widgets'  
=> array ('Actions' => array (), 'Tags' => array ('view' =>  
'gallery'), 'OtherGalleries' => array (), 'Geotag' => array (),  
'Links' => array (), 'GalleryFaces' => array (), 'OwnerFaces' => array  
()), 'gallery_view' => 'Gallery', 'requires_png' => FALSE), FALSE,  
array ('page' => 0, 'sort' => NULL, 'sort_dir' => 0, 'year' => 0,  
'month' => 0, 'day' => 0, 'view' => 'List', 'gallery_view' => NULL,  
'gallery_id' => NULL, 'gallery_slug' => NULL, 'force_grouping' =>  
NULL, 'image_id' => NULL, '_pagerurl' => class Horde_Url { public $url  
= '/headhorde/ansel/user/jan/'; public $raw = FALSE; public  
$parameters = array (); public $pathInfo = NULL; public $anchor = '';  
public $toStringCallback = NULL }, '_pager' => class  
Horde_Core_Ui_Pager { protected $_preserve = array ('sort_dir' => 0,  
'sort' => 'name'); protected $_name = 'page'; protected $_vars = class  
Horde_Variables { protected $_vars = array (...); protected  
$_expectedVariables = array (...); protected $_sanitized = FALSE };  
protected $_config = array ('page_limit' => 10, 'perpage' => '9',  
'num' => '2', 'url' => class Horde_Url { ... }); protected  
$_url_callback = array (0 => 'Horde', 1 => 'applicationUrl') })  
)	../Gallery.php:455
6	2,2274	28915364	Ansel_Gallery->getKeyImage( 'ansel_polaroid'  
)	../Gallery.php:55
7	2,7109	29191904	Ansel_ImageGenerator->create( )	../Gallery.php:606
8	2,7109	29191904	Ansel_ImageGenerator_PolaroidStack->_create(  
)	../ImageGenerator.php:84
9	2,7109	29191904	Ansel_ImageGenerator->_getStackImages(  
)	../PolaroidStack.php:18

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