[Tickets #9211] Re: Bad login message

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Thu Sep 2 17:25:11 UTC 2010


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9211
  Ticket             | 9211
  Updated By         | Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
  Summary            | Bad login message
-Queue              | DIMP
+Queue              | IMP
  Type               | Bug
-State              | Not A Bug
+State              | Assigned
-Priority           | 1. Low
+Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> (2010-09-02 13:25) wrote:

#1 - You marked this ticket as a DIMP ticket.  DIMP only exists with  
H3, which uses c-client.  What I previously said is correct - dimp 1.x  
uses c-client which has very limited login error handling.
#2 - As for IMP 5.x - login error handling can be improved.  However,  
we are still very limited by the possible error messages that can be  
given.  Per RFC 3501, the reason for authentication is not specified  
(actually, it might be in the IMAP response, but odds are very high  
that this explanation is either technical in nature and/or completely  
in English).
Very recently (RFC 5530), additional response codes were defined that  
potentially give better information on failure reasons.  At this time,  
adoption of these new response codes by IMAP servers is limited  
(although I can verify that Dovecot 2.0.1 uses at least some of them).  
  So use information provided by these response codes, if given.  If  
not, we MUST default to an authentication failure message even though  
it might be a server issue (see RFC 5530[3]).

As far as translations - no Exception messages are translated (since  
1) they are not really designed to be passed to the end user and/or 2)  
we still haven't determined how to handle gettext strings in framework  

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