[Tickets #9255] Warning breaking ActiveSync

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Fri Sep 17 15:22:54 UTC 2010


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9255
  Ticket             | 9255
  Created By         | Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
  Summary            | Warning breaking ActiveSync
  Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Assigned
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> (2010-09-17 11:22) wrote:

[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP  
Warning:  strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in  
on line 340
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP Stack trace:
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP   1.  
{main}() /home/jan/horde-git/horde/rpc.php:0
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP   2.  
Horde_Rpc_ActiveSync->getResponse($request = NULL)  
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP   3.  
Horde_ActiveSync->handleRequest($cmd = 'Sync', $devId =  
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP   4.  
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP   5.  
Horde_ActiveSync_Sync->syncronize($flags = *uninitialized*)  
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP   6.  
Horde_ActiveSync_Connector_Exporter->messageChange($id =  
'20100915103714.18336vob51niu2ey at neo.wg.de', $message = class  
Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Contact { public $categories = array (0 =>  
''); public $children = array (); public $bodytruncated = 0; protected  
$_mapping = array ('POOMCONTACTS:Anniversary' => array (1 =>  
'anniversary', 3 => 3), 'POOMCONTACTS:AssistantName' => array (1 =>  
'assistantname'), 'POOMCONTACTS:AssistnamePhoneNumber' => array (1 =>  
'assistnamephonenumber'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Birthday' => array (1 =>  
'birthday', 3 => 3), 'POOMCONTACTS:Body' => array (1 => 'body'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:BodySize' => array (1 => 'bodysize'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:BodyTruncated' => array (1 => 'bodytruncated'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:Business2PhoneNumber' => array (1 =>  
'business2phonenumber'), 'POOMCONTACTS:BusinessCity' => array (1 =>  
'businesscity'), 'POOMCONTACTS:BusinessCountry' => array (1 =>  
'businesscountry'), 'POOMCONTACTS:BusinessPostalCode' => array (1 =>  
'businesspostalcode'), 'POOMCONTACTS:BusinessState' => array (1 =>  
'businessstate'), 'POOMCONTACTS:BusinessStreet' => array (1 =>  
'businessstreet'), 'POOMCONTACTS:BusinessFaxNumber' => array (1 =>  
'businessfaxnumber'), 'POOMCONTACTS:BusinessPhoneNumber' => array (1  
=> 'businessphonenumber'), 'POOMCONTACTS:CarPhoneNumber' => array (1  
=> 'carphonenumber'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Children' => array (1 =>  
'children', 2 => 'POOMCONTACTS:Child'), 'POOMCONTACTS:CompanyName' =>  
array (1 => 'companyname'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Department' => array (1 =>  
'department'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Email1Address' => array (1 =>  
'email1address'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Email2Address' => array (1 =>  
'email2address'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Email3Address' => array (1 =>  
'email3address'), 'POOMCONTACTS:FileAs' => array (1 => 'fileas'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:FirstName' => array (1 => 'firstname'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:Home2PhoneNumber' => array (1 => 'home2phonenumber'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:HomeCity' => array (1 => 'homecity'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:HomeCountry' => array (1 => 'homecountry'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:HomePostalCode' => array (1 => 'homepostalcode'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:HomeState' => array (1 => 'homestate'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:HomeStreet' => array (1 => 'homestreet'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:HomeFaxNumber' => array (1 => 'homefaxnumber'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:HomePhoneNumber' => array (1 => 'homephonenumber'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:JobTitle' => array (1 => 'jobtitle'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:LastName' => array (1 => 'lastname'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:MiddleName' => array (1 => 'middlename'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:MobilePhoneNumber' => array (1 => 'mobilephonenumber'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:OfficeLocation' => array (1 => 'officelocation'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:OtherCity' => array (1 => 'othercity'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:OtherCountry' => array (1 => 'othercountry'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:OtherPostalCode' => array (1 => 'otherpostalcode'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:OtherState' => array (1 => 'otherstate'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:OtherStreet' => array (1 => 'otherstreet'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:PagerNumber' => array (1 => 'pagernumber'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:RadioPhoneNumber' => array (1 => 'radiophonenumber'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:Spouse' => array (1 => 'spouse'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Suffix'  
=> array (1 => 'suffix'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Title' => array (1 =>  
'title'), 'POOMCONTACTS:WebPage' => array (1 => 'webpage'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:YomiCompanyName' => array (1 => 'yomicompanyname'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:YomiFirstName' => array (1 => 'yomifirstname'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:YomiLastName' => array (1 => 'yomilastname'),  
'POOMCONTACTS:Rtf' => array (1 => 'rtf'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Picture' =>  
array (1 => 'picture'), 'POOMCONTACTS:Categories' => array (1 =>  
'categories', 2 => 'POOMCONTACTS:Category')); protected $_properties =  
array ('anniversary' => FALSE, 'assistantname' => FALSE,  
'assistnamephonenumber' => FALSE, 'birthday' => NULL, 'body' => NULL,  
'bodysize' => 0, 'bodytruncated' => FALSE, 'business2phonenumber' =>  
FALSE, 'businesscity' => NULL, 'businesscountry' => NULL,  
'businesspostalcode' => NULL, 'businessstate' => NULL,  
'businessstreet' => NULL, 'businessfaxnumber' => NULL,  
'businessphonenumber' => NULL, 'carphonenumber' => FALSE, 'children'  
=> FALSE, 'companyname' => NULL, 'department' => FALSE,  
'email1address' => 'neu at neu.de', 'email2address' => FALSE,  
'email3address' => FALSE, 'fileas' => 'neu.de', 'firstname' =>  
'neu.de', 'home2phonenumber' => FALSE, 'homecity' => NULL,  
'homecountry' => array ('AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'AL' => 'Albania', 'DZ'  
=> 'Algeria', 'AS' => 'American Samoa', 'AD' => 'Andorra', 'AO' =>  
'Angola', 'AI' => 'Anguilla', 'AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'AG' => 'Antigua  
and Barbuda', 'AR' => 'Argentina', 'AM' => 'Armenia', 'AW' => 'Aruba',  
'AU' => 'Australia', 'AT' => 'Austria', 'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'BS' =>  
'Bahamas', 'BH' => 'Bahrain', 'BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'BB' =>  
'Barbados', 'BY' => 'Belarus', 'BE' => 'Belgium', 'BZ' => 'Belize',  
'BJ' => 'Benin', 'BM' => 'Bermuda', 'BT' => 'Bhutan', 'BO' =>  
'Bolivia', 'BA' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BW' => 'Botswana', 'BV'  
=> 'Bouvet Island', 'BR' => 'Brazil', 'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean  
Territory', 'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'BF' =>  
'Burkina Faso', 'BI' => 'Burundi', 'KH' => 'Cambodia', 'CM' =>  
'Cameroon', 'CA' => 'Canada', 'CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'KY' => 'Cayman  
Islands', 'CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'TD' => 'Chad', 'CL' =>  
'Chile', 'CN' => 'China', 'CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'CC' => 'Cocos  
(Keeling) Islands', 'CO' => 'Colombia', 'KM' => 'Comoros', 'CG' =>  
'Congo', 'CD' => 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the', 'CK' =>  
'Cook Islands', 'CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'CI' => 'Cote d\\'Ivoire', 'HR'  
=> 'Croatia', 'CU' => 'Cuba', 'CY' => 'Cyprus', 'CZ' => 'Czech  
Republic', 'DK' => 'Denmark', 'DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'DM' => 'Dominica',  
'DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'EC' => 'Ecuador', 'EG' => 'Egypt', 'SV'  
=> 'El Salvador', 'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'ER' => 'Eritrea', 'EE'  
=> 'Estonia', 'ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'FK' => 'Falkland Islands  
(Malvinas)', 'FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'FJ' => 'Fiji', 'FI' =>  
'Finland', 'FR' => 'France', 'GF' => 'French Guiana', 'PF' => 'French  
Polynesia', 'TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'GA' => 'Gabon',  
'GM' => 'Gambia', 'GE' => 'Georgia', 'DE' => 'Germany', 'GH' =>  
'Ghana', 'GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'GR' => 'Greece', 'GL' => 'Greenland',  
'GD' => 'Grenada', 'GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'GU' => 'Guam', 'GT' =>  
'Guatemala', 'GN' => 'Guinea', 'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GY' =>  
'Guyana', 'HT' => 'Haiti', 'HM' => 'Heard Island and McDonald  
Islands', 'VA' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'HN' => 'Honduras',  
'HK' => 'Hong Kong', 'HU' => 'Hungary', 'IS' => 'Iceland', 'IN' =>  
'India', 'ID' => 'Indonesia', 'IR' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of',  
'IQ' => 'Iraq', 'IE' => 'Ireland', 'IL' => 'Israel', 'IT' => 'Italy',  
'JM' => 'Jamaica', 'JP' => 'Japan', 'JO' => 'Jordan', 'KZ' =>  
'Kazakhstan', 'KE' => 'Kenya', 'KI' => 'Kiribati', 'KP' => 'Korea,  
Democratic People\\'s Republic of', 'KR' => 'Korea, Republic of', 'KW'  
=> 'Kuwait', 'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'LA' => 'Lao People\\'s Democratic  
Republic', 'LV' => 'Latvia', 'LB' => 'Lebanon', 'LS' => 'Lesotho',  
'LR' => 'Liberia', 'LY' => 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', 'LI' =>  
'Liechtenstein', 'LT' => 'Lithuania', 'LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'MO' =>  
'Macao', 'MK' => 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of', 'MG' =>  
'Madagascar', 'MW' => 'Malawi', ...), 'homepostalcode' => NULL,  
'homestate' => NULL, 'homestreet' => NULL, 'homefaxnumber' => FALSE,  
'homephonenumber' => NULL, 'jobtitle' => NULL, 'lastname' => NULL,  
'middlename' => NULL, 'mobilephonenumber' => NULL, 'officelocation' =>  
FALSE, 'othercity' => FALSE, 'othercountry' => FALSE,  
'otherpostalcode' => FALSE, 'otherstate' => FALSE, 'otherstreet' =>  
FALSE, 'pagernumber' => NULL, 'radiophonenumber' => FALSE, 'spouse' =>  
FALSE, 'suffix' => NULL, 'title' => NULL, 'webpage' => NULL,  
'yomicompanyname' => FALSE, 'yomifirstname' => FALSE, 'yomilastname'  
=> FALSE, 'rtf' => FALSE, 'picture' => '', 'categories' => FALSE);  
public $flags = 'NewMessage'; protected $_logger = class  
Horde_Core_Log_Logger { private $_levels = array (0 => 'EMERG', 1 =>  
'ALERT', 2 => 'CRIT', 3 => 'ERR', 4 => 'WARN', 5 => 'NOTICE', 6 =>  
'INFO', 7 => 'DEBUG'); private $_handlers = array (0 => class  
Horde_Log_Handler_Stream { ... }); private $_filters = array () };  
protected $_
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP   7.  
Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base->encodeStream($encoder = class  
Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml_Encoder { private $_out = resource(117) of type  
(stream); private $_tagcp = 1; private $_logStack = array (0 =>  
'Synchronize', 1 => 'Folders', 2 => 'Folder', 3 => 'Commands', 4 =>  
'Add', 5 => 'Data'); private $_stack = array (0 => array ('tag' =>  
'Synchronize', 'attributes' => FALSE, 'nocontent' => FALSE, 'sent' =>  
TRUE), 1 => array ('tag' => 'Folders', 'attributes' => FALSE,  
'nocontent' => FALSE, 'sent' => TRUE), 2 => array ('tag' => 'Folder',  
'attributes' => FALSE, 'nocontent' => FALSE, 'sent' => TRUE), 3 =>  
array ('tag' => 'Commands', 'attributes' => FALSE, 'nocontent' =>  
FALSE, 'sent' => TRUE), 4 => array ('tag' => 'Add', 'attributes' =>  
FALSE, 'nocontent' => FALSE, 'sent' => TRUE), 5 => array ('tag' =>  
'Data', 'attributes' => FALSE, 'nocontent' => FALSE, 'sent' => TRUE));  
protected $_dtd = array ('namespaces' => array ('POOMCONTACTS' => 1,  
'POOMMAIL' => 2, 'AirNotify' => 3, 'POOMCAL' => 4, 'Move' => 5,  
'GetItemEstimate' => 6, 'FolderHierarchy' => 7, 'MeetingResponse' =>  
8, 'POOMTASKS' => 9, 'ResolveRecipients' => 10, 'ValidateCerts' => 11,  
'POOMCONTACTS2' => 12, 'Ping' => 13, 'Provision' => 14, 'Search' =>  
15, 'GAL' => 16), 'codes' => array (0 => array (...), 1 => array  
(...), 2 => array (...), 3 => array (...), 4 => array (...), 5 =>  
array (...), 6 => array (...), 7 => array (...), 8 => array (...), 9  
=> array (...), 10 => array (...), 11 => array (...), 12 => array  
(...), 13 => array (...), 14 => array (...), 15 => array (...), 16 =>  
array (...))); public $_logger = class Horde_Log_Logger { private  
$_levels = array (0 => 'EMERG', 1 => 'ALERT', 2 => 'CRIT', 3 => 'ERR',  
4 => 'WARN', 5 => 'NOTICE', 6 => 'INFO', 7 => 'DEBUG'); private  
$_handlers = array (0 => class Horde_Log_Handler_Stream { ... });  
private $_filters = array () } })  
[Fri Sep 17 17:08:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP   8.  
strlen(array ('AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'AL' => 'Albania', 'DZ' =>  
'Algeria', 'AS' => 'American Samoa', 'AD' => 'Andorra', 'AO' =>  
'Angola', 'AI' => 'Anguilla', 'AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'AG' => 'Antigua  
and Barbuda', 'AR' => 'Argentina', 'AM' => 'Armenia', 'AW' => 'Aruba',  
'AU' => 'Australia', 'AT' => 'Austria', 'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'BS' =>  
'Bahamas', 'BH' => 'Bahrain', 'BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'BB' =>  
'Barbados', 'BY' => 'Belarus', 'BE' => 'Belgium', 'BZ' => 'Belize',  
'BJ' => 'Benin', 'BM' => 'Bermuda', 'BT' => 'Bhutan', 'BO' =>  
'Bolivia', 'BA' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BW' => 'Botswana', 'BV'  
=> 'Bouvet Island', 'BR' => 'Brazil', 'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean  
Territory', 'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'BF' =>  
'Burkina Faso', 'BI' => 'Burundi', 'KH' => 'Cambodia', 'CM' =>  
'Cameroon', 'CA' => 'Canada', 'CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'KY' => 'Cayman  
Islands', 'CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'TD' => 'Chad', 'CL' =>  
'Chile', 'CN' => 'China', 'CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'CC' => 'Cocos  
(Keeling) Islands', 'CO' => 'Colombia', 'KM' => 'Comoros', 'CG' =>  
'Congo', 'CD' => 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the', 'CK' =>  
'Cook Islands', 'CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'CI' => 'Cote d\\'Ivoire', 'HR'  
=> 'Croatia', 'CU' => 'Cuba', 'CY' => 'Cyprus', 'CZ' => 'Czech  
Republic', 'DK' => 'Denmark', 'DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'DM' => 'Dominica',  
'DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'EC' => 'Ecuador', 'EG' => 'Egypt', 'SV'  
=> 'El Salvador', 'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'ER' => 'Eritrea', 'EE'  
=> 'Estonia', 'ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'FK' => 'Falkland Islands  
(Malvinas)', 'FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'FJ' => 'Fiji', 'FI' =>  
'Finland', 'FR' => 'France', 'GF' => 'French Guiana', 'PF' => 'French  
Polynesia', 'TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'GA' => 'Gabon',  
'GM' => 'Gambia', 'GE' => 'Georgia', 'DE' => 'Germany', 'GH' =>  
'Ghana', 'GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'GR' => 'Greece', 'GL' => 'Greenland',  
'GD' => 'Grenada', 'GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'GU' => 'Guam', 'GT' =>  
'Guatemala', 'GN' => 'Guinea', 'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GY' =>  
'Guyana', 'HT' => 'Haiti', 'HM' => 'Heard Island and McDonald  
Islands', 'VA' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'HN' => 'Honduras',  
'HK' => 'Hong Kong', 'HU' => 'Hungary', 'IS' => 'Iceland', 'IN' =>  
'India', 'ID' => 'Indonesia', 'IR' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of',  
'IQ' => 'Iraq', 'IE' => 'Ireland', 'IL' => 'Israel', 'IT' => 'Italy',  
'JM' => 'Jamaica', 'JP' => 'Japan', 'JO' => 'Jordan', 'KZ' =>  
'Kazakhstan', 'KE' => 'Kenya', 'KI' => 'Kiribati', 'KP' => 'Korea,  
Democratic People\\'s Republic of', 'KR' => 'Korea, Republic of', 'KW'  
=> 'Kuwait', 'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'LA' => 'Lao People\\'s Democratic  
Republic', 'LV' => 'Latvia', 'LB' => 'Lebanon', 'LS' => 'Lesotho',  
'LR' => 'Liberia', 'LY' => 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', 'LI' =>  
'Liechtenstein', 'LT' => 'Lithuania', 'LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'MO' =>  
'Macao', 'MK' => 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of', 'MG' =>  
'Madagascar', 'MW' => 'Malawi', ...))  

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