[Tickets #9153] Re: BYTEA DB escaping for postgres driver

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Sat May 14 00:06:13 UTC 2011


Ticket-URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9153
  Ticket           | 9153
  Aktualisiert Von | torben at dannhauer.info
  Zusammenfassung  | BYTEA DB escaping for postgres driver
  Warteschlange    | Horde Framework Packages
  Version          | Git master
  Typ              | Bug
  Status           | Resolved
  Priorität        | 3. High
  Milestone        | 4.0
  Patch            |
  Zuständige       | Michael Slusarz, Chuck Hagenbuch, Jan Schneider

torben at dannhauer.info (2011-05-14 00:06) hat geschrieben:

> As you say your horde works on PGSQL 9.0 I looked a liitle deeper at  
> my horde database.
> I have two questions how you set up your database:
> 1) What is the encoding my database should use? currently it is  
> = 'UTF8' )?
> 2) Do I have to configure the bytea encoding in Postgres as  
> described in http://drupal.org/node/926636#comment-3625380 ?
>  ( ALTER DATABASE horde SET bytea_output = 'escape';)
> Thank you for your help,
> Torben

Changing the Database encoding did not solve the problem. But I made  
some progress in understanding the bytea matter:

Horde/turba has to convert the bytea values from object_logo and  
object_photo column
it extracts from attributes.phph that it is type='image' and generates  
the 'blobFields' array with the coumn names that horde should convert  
after DB query correctly.
That 'blobFields' arry contains object_photo and object_logo as expected.

/usr/share/php/www/horde/turba/lib/Driver/Sql.php uses that blob Array  
in _parseRead() and decides according to that blobFlieds array if a  
convert by using 'binaryToString(..)' has to by done.

That "binaryToString" function seems to be defined in  

So, to recapitulate:
* Horde knows which columns are bytea and have to be converted
* Horde calls binaryToString() for the values which has to be  
converted but it doen't work
* It seems that a) the query itself does not work or a) binaryToString  
function does not convert the correctly queried data...

-> because it fails with the database following query at the last  
cited WHERE condition:

1SELECT object_id, owner_id, object_type, object_members,  
object_uid,#012#011  object_firstname, object_lastname,  
object_middlenames,#012#011  object_nameprefix, object_namesuffix,  
object_alias, object_bday,#012#011  object_photo, object_phototype,  
object_homestreet, object_homepob,#012#011  object_homecity,  
object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode,#012#011   
object_homecountry, object_workstreet, object_workpob,#012#011   
object_workcity, object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode,#012#011   
object_workcountry, object_tz, object_email, object_homephone,#012#011  
  object_workphone, object_cellphone, object_fax,  
object_pager,#012#011  object_title, object_role, object_company,  
object_logo,#012#011  object_logotype, object_category, object_notes,  
object_url,#012#011  object_freebusyurl, object_pgppublickey,  
object_smimepublickey FROM#012#011  turba_objects WHERE (owner_id =  
'torben at dannhauer.de' AND#012#011  ((object_nameprefix ILIKE '%Sseth%'  
OR object_firstname ILIKE#012#011  '%Sseth%' OR object_middlenames  
ILIKE '%Sseth%' OR object_lastname#012#011  ILIKE '%Sseth%' OR  
object_namesuffix ILIKE '%Sseth%') AND#012#011  object_lastname ILIKE  
'%%' AND object_firstname ILIKE '%Sseth%' AND#012#011   
object_middlenames ILIKE '%%' AND object_nameprefix ILIKE '%%'  
AND#012#011  object_namesuffix ILIKE '%%' AND object_homestreet ILIKE  
'%%' AND#012#011  object_homecity ILIKE '%%' AND object_homeprovince  
ILIKE '%%' AND#012#011  object_homepostalcode ILIKE '%%' AND  
object_workstreet ILIKE '%%' AND#012#011  object_workcity ILIKE '%%'  
AND object_workprovince ILIKE '%%' AND#012
May 14 01:04:44 jonathan HORDE: HORDE [turba] SQL   #012#011SELECT  
object_id, owner_id, object_type, object_members, object_uid,#012#011   
object_firstname, object_lastname, object_middlenames,#012#011   
object_nameprefix, object_namesuffix, object_alias,  
object_bday,#012#011  object_photo, object_phototype,  
object_homestreet, object_homepob,#012#011  object_homecity,  
object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode,#012#011   
object_homecountry, object_workstreet, object_workpob,#012#011   
object_workcity, object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode,#012#011   
object_workcountry, object_tz, object_email, object_homephone,#012#011  
  object_workphone, object_cellphone, object_fax,  
object_pager,#012#011  object_title, object_role, object_company,  
object_logo,#012#011  object_logotype, object_category, object_notes,  
object_url,#012#011  object_freebusyurl, object_pgppublickey,  
object_smimepublickey FROM#012#011  turba_objects WHERE (owner_id =  
'torben at dannhauer.de' AND#012#011  ((object_nameprefix ILIKE '%Sseth%'  
OR object_firstname ILIKE#012#011  '%Sseth%' OR object_middlenames  
ILIKE '%Sseth%' OR object_lastname#012#011  ILIKE '%Sseth%' OR  
object_namesuffix ILIKE '%Sseth%') AND#012#011  object_lastname ILIKE  
'%%' AND object_firstname ILIKE '%Sseth%' AND#012#011   
object_middlenames ILIKE '%%' AND object_nameprefix ILIKE '%%'  
AND#012#011  object_namesuffix ILIKE '%%' AND object_homestreet ILIKE  
'%%' AND#012#011  object_homecity ILIKE '%%' AND object_homeprovince  
ILIKE '%%' AND#012#011  object_homepostalcode ILIKE '%%' AND  
object_workstreet ILIKE '%%' AND#012#011  object_workcity ILIKE '%%'  
AND object_workprovince ILIKE '%%' AND#012#011  object_workpostalcode  
ILIKE '%%' AND object_title ILIKE '%%' AND#012#011  object_company  
ILIKE '%%' AND object_notes ILIKE '%%' AND object_url#012#011  ILIKE  
'%%' AND object_homephone ILIKE '%%' AND object_workphone  
ILIKE#012#011  '%%' AND object_fax ILIKE '%%' AND object_pager ILIKE  
'%%' AND#012#011  object_cellphone ILIKE '%%' AND object_photo ILIKE  
'%%' AND

I assume the query it self is not properly escaped.

If I modify the query to [...] AND object_photo::text ILIKE '%%' AND [...]
  it works..

Has anyone an idea why the bytea datatype is not properly escaped?

best regards,


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