[Tickets #10093] Re: Cannot create folder name with ampersand

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Thu Jul 7 20:48:44 UTC 2011


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/10093
  Ticket             | 10093
  Updated By         | jacob-horde at vindvejr.dk
  Summary            | Cannot create folder name with ampersand
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Assigned
  Priority           | 3. High
  Milestone          | 6
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Slusarz

jacob-horde at vindvejr.dk (2011-07-07 20:48) wrote:

>> I'm sorry, but ticket 10102 was closed as a doublet to this ticket.
>> This (still) means that I can't access many of my folders at all (if
>> they contain a Danish character like æ, ø or å) - I simply get:
>> "Unexpectedly disconnected from the mail server." So I don't agree
>> that it's only "broken for very fringe use cases" - at least if it's
>> the same problem as in ticket 10102. It's actually quite broken. IMP
>> 5.0.7, Horde 4.0.6.
> No - this doesn't sound right at all.  There should be extremely  
> limited cases where this won't work - 99.9% of non ASCII characters  
> should display correctly (I have a bunch of these mailboxes that  
> display just fine).
> Are you sure you have updated Horde_Imap_Client?

I'm running pear.horde.org/Horde_Imap_Client-1.0.9 - installed with  
Horde 4.0.7 and IMP 5.0.8 two days ago.

> Alternatively, what is an example of a mailbox name (the actual name
> on the IMAP server, not the translated name) that you can not view?

For example, I'm having problems with folder name "Nytår"  

However, another strange problem has appeared lately. When I have a  
mail that IMP doesn't like, it will not only refuse to show the mail.  
It will also give the "Unexpectedly disconnected from the mail  
server." error when trying to access the page on which the e-mail is  
located. I can go to previous page and next page, but the page itself  
can't be viewed. This might be related to ticket 10169, which was  
rejected (and unresolved).

I use UTF-8 everywhere on my system, which is a pretty clean CentOS  
5.5 installation. PHP (5.3.6) is compiled with:


Other than that I use a custom built libxml2 (version 2.7.8) without  
any configure options set, i.e. quite straight-forward.

So I'm a bit puzzled, but don't really know where to look.

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