[Tickets #10373] Enhance Turba ActiveSync capability for iOS
bugs at horde.org
bugs at horde.org
Sun Jul 24 07:09:39 UTC 2011
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/10373
Ticket | 10373
Created By | simon at simonandkate.net
Summary | Enhance Turba ActiveSync capability for iOS
Queue | Turba
Version | 3.0.4
Type | Enhancement
State | New
Priority | 1. Low
Milestone |
Patch | 1
Owners |
simon at simonandkate.net (2011-07-24 07:09) wrote:
As per discussions with Mike on the mailing lists...
Turba 'out of the box' misses several key Activesync attributes to
sync well with iOS devices.
I have patched turba/lib/Driver.php to be able to pass through more of
the native fields, both Turba->AS, and AS->Turba.
The patch adds support for the following Activesync capabilities to
the Turba driver, mapping to the indicated new attributes:
otherstreet => otherStreet
othercity => otherCity
otherstate => otherProvince
otherpostalcode => otherPostalCode
othercountry => otherCountry
home2phonenumber => homePhone2
business2phonenumber => workPhone2
homefaxnumber => homeFax
carphonenumber => carPhone
assistnamephonenumber => assistPhone
I have also added the relevant attributes to attributes.php. I will
attach that patch next.
For the sake of completeness I have also defined otherPOBox in
attributes.php, although iOS does not use it, and my address book
definition in backends.local.php does not either.
These components shouldn't break anything existing I don't believe, as
they only add capability, they don't change any existing capability.
I have modified further with some Label changes etc, but they are not
included here.
I will put up my backend definition and attributes.local.php that
align the Turba address book with iOS shortly also.
These require the addition of the following SQL fields to turba_objects:
object_otherstreet varchar(255)
object_otherpob varchar(10)
object_othercity varchar(255)
object_otherprovince varchar(255)
object_otherpostalcode varchar(10)
object_othercountry varchar(255)
object_homephone2 varchar(25)
object_workphone2 varchar(25)
object_homefax varchar(25)
object_carphone varchar(25)
object_assistphone varchar(25)
I would have added further capability, but it appears that the Horde
Activesync library does not support the CONTACTS2 schema, so I cannot
map the following:
Those are all advertised by iOS, but attempting to map them in
Driver.php causes ALL contacts to disappear from the device. From my
research they appear to be in that separate schema.
The NickName and CompanyMainPhone fields particularly would have been good...
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