[Tickets #11038] Errors from Imap_Client_Cache
bugs at horde.org
bugs at horde.org
Tue Feb 28 09:35:25 UTC 2012
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11038
Ticket | 11038
Created By | Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Summary | Errors from Imap_Client_Cache
Queue | Horde Framework Packages
Version | Git master
Type | Bug
State | Assigned
Priority | 1. Low
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners | Michael Slusarz
Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> (2012-02-28 10:35) wrote:
Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in
/home/jan/horde-git/framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Cache.php on
line 539
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0,0001 652288 {main}( ) ../ajax.php:0
2 0,5281 13260152 IMP_Ajax_Application->doAction( ) ../ajax.php:60
3 0,5281 13260152 Horde_Core_Ajax_Application->doAction(
) ../Application.php:95
4 0,5281 13260784 call_user_func ( array (0 => class
IMP_Ajax_Application { public $notify = TRUE; protected $_mbox = class
IMP_Mailbox { public $cache = array (...); public $changed = 1;
protected $_import = NULL; protected $_mbox =
'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus' }; protected $_queue = class
IMP_Ajax_Queue { protected $_flag = array (...); protected $_poll =
array (...); protected $_quota = FALSE }; protected $_suppress = NULL;
protected $_readOnly = array (0 => 'html2Text', 1 => 'text2Html');
protected $_app = 'imp'; protected $_action = 'viewPort'; protected
$_vars = class Horde_Variables { protected $_expected = array (...);
protected $_sanitized = FALSE; protected $_vars = array (...) };
protected $_defaultDomain = NULL }, 1 => 'viewPort')
) ../Application.php:95
5 0,5281 13260784 IMP_Ajax_Application->viewPort( ) ../Application.php:95
6 0,6565 14813496 IMP_Ajax_Application->_viewPortData( TRUE, ???
) ../Application.php:724
7 0,6572 14831456 IMP_Views_ListMessages->listMessages( array
('change' => TRUE, 'mbox' => 'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus',
'applyfilter' => NULL, 'cache' => NULL, 'cacheid' => NULL, 'delhide'
=> NULL, 'initial' => '1', 'qsearch' => NULL, 'qsearchfield' => NULL,
'qsearchfilter' => NULL, 'qsearchflag' => NULL, 'qsearchflagnot' =>
NULL, 'qsearchmbox' => NULL, 'rangeslice' => NULL, 'requestid' =>
'11', 'sortby' => NULL, 'sortdir' => NULL, 'after' => 66, 'before' =>
44, 'slice_start' => 1, 'slice_end' => 111) ) ../Application.php:1992
8 0,8380 15460896 IMP_Views_ListMessages->_getOverviewData( class
IMP_Mailbox { public $cache = array ('n' => array (0 => '.', 2 =>
'INBOX.', 4 => 1), 'd' => 'Mailinglisten.Cyrus', 'ro' => FALSE, 'a' =>
'lrswipakxte'); public $changed = 1; protected $_import = NULL;
protected $_mbox = 'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus' }, array (0 => 1, 1 =>
2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4, 4 => 5, 5 => 6) ) ../ListMessages.php:391
9 0,8382 15461992 IMP_Mailbox_List->getMailboxArray( array (0 => 1, 1
=> 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4, 4 => 5, 5 => 6), array ('headers' => TRUE,
'type' => '1') ) ../ListMessages.php:425
10 0,8393 15510848 IMP_Imap->fetch( 'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus', class
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query { protected $_data = array (9 => TRUE,
10 => TRUE, 12 => TRUE, 13 => TRUE, 8 => array ('imp' => array (...)))
}, array ('ids' => class Horde_Imap_Client_Ids { protected $_ids =
array (0 => 17807, 1 => 17808, 2 => 17811, 3 => 17812, 4 => 17809, 5
=> 17810); protected $_sequence = FALSE; protected $_utilsClass =
'Horde_Imap_Client_Utils' }) ) ../List.php:170
11 0,8393 15511600 IMP_Imap->__call( 'fetch', array (0 =>
'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus', 1 => class Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query
{ protected $_data = array (9 => TRUE, 10 => TRUE, 12 => TRUE, 13 =>
TRUE, 8 => array (...)) }, 2 => array ('ids' => class
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids { protected $_ids = array (...); protected
$_sequence = FALSE; protected $_utilsClass = 'Horde_Imap_Client_Utils'
})) ) ../List.php:170
12 0,8393 15512232 call_user_func_array ( array (0 => class
Horde_Imap_Client_Socket { protected $_tag = 5; protected $_stream =
resource(87) of type (stream); public $cache = class
Horde_Imap_Client_Cache { protected $_base = ...; protected $_cache =
class Horde_Cache { ... }; protected $_data = array (...); protected
$_loaded = array (...); protected $_params = array (...); protected
$_slicemap = array (...); protected $_save = array (...) }; public
$cacheFields = array (9 => 'HICenv', 10 => 'HICflags', 8 => 'HIChdrs',
11 => 'HICdate', 12 => 'HICsize', 1 => 'HICstruct'); public $changed =
TRUE; protected $_debug = NULL; protected $_fetchDataClass =
'Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch'; protected $_init = array ('enabled' =>
array (...), 'namespace' => array (...), 's_charset' => array (...),
'imapproxy' => TRUE, 'authmethod' => 'LOGIN', 'capability' => array
(...)); protected $_isAuthenticated = TRUE; protected $_isSecure =
FALSE; protected $_mode = 2; protected $_params = array ('encryptKey'
=> array (...), 'hostspec' => 'localhost', 'log' => NULL, 'port' =>
1143, 'secure' => FALSE, 'timeout' => 30, 'password' =>
'þ\021³Ú±\v}', 'statuscache' => TRUE, 'username' => 'jan', 'cache' =>
array (...), '_passencrypt' => TRUE); protected $_selected = class
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox { protected $_utf7imap = TRUE; protected
$_utf8 = 'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus' }; protected $_temp = array
('no_cap' => TRUE, 'loginerr' => 'LOGIN_AUTHENTICATIONFAILED',
'loginerrmsg' => 'Der E-Mail-Server hat Authentifizierung
zurückgewiesen.', 'referral' => NULL, 'fr_ob' => class stdClass { ...
}, 'fetchresp' => class stdClass { ... }, 'parsestatuserr' => NULL,
'proxyreuse' => TRUE, 'mailbox' => array (...), 'literal8' => array
(...), 'threadparse' => array (...), 'myrights' => class
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Acl { ... }, 'headers_caching' => array (...));
protected $_utils = class Horde_Imap_Client_Utils { }; protected
$_utilsClass = 'Horde_Imap_Client_Utils' }, 1 => 'fetch'), array (0 =>
'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus', 1 => class Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query
{ protected $_data = array (9 => TRUE, 10 => TRUE, 12 => TRUE, 13 =>
TRUE, 8 => array (...)) }, 2 => array ('ids' => class
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids { protected $_ids = array (...); protected
$_sequence = FALSE; protected $_utilsClass = 'Horde_Imap_Client_Utils'
})) ) ../Imap.php:343
13 0,8393 15512976 Horde_Imap_Client_Base->fetch(
'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus', class Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query {
protected $_data = array (9 => TRUE, 10 => TRUE, 12 => TRUE, 13 =>
TRUE, 8 => array ('imp' => array (...))) }, array ('ids' => class
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids { protected $_ids = array (0 => 17807, 1 =>
17808, 2 => 17811, 3 => 17812, 4 => 17809, 5 => 17810); protected
$_sequence = FALSE; protected $_utilsClass = 'Horde_Imap_Client_Utils'
}) ) ../Imap.php:343
14 0,8411 15547304 Horde_Imap_Client_Cache->get( class
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox { protected $_utf7imap = TRUE; protected
$_utf8 = 'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus' }, array (0 => 17807, 1 => 17808,
2 => 17811, 3 => 17812, 4 => 17809, 5 => 17810), array (0 => 'HICenv',
1 => 'HIChdrs', 2 => 'HICsize'), '1118412327' ) ../Base.php:2425
15 0,8412 15547776 Horde_Imap_Client_Cache->_loadUIDs(
'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus', array (0 => 17807, 1 => 17808, 2 =>
17811, 3 => 17812, 4 => 17809, 5 => 17810), '1118412327'
) ../Cache.php:268
16 0,8412 15547776 Horde_Imap_Client_Cache->_loadMailbox(
'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus', array (0 => 17807, 1 => 17808, 2 =>
17811, 3 => 17812, 4 => 17809, 5 => 17810), '1118412327'
) ../Cache.php:592
17 0,8434 15588352 Horde_Imap_Client_Cache->_loadSlice(
'INBOX.Mailinglisten.Cyrus', 0 ) ../Cache.php:482
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