[Tickets #11083] Re: Activesync showing only 6 contacts out of 400+

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Mon Mar 19 15:32:10 UTC 2012


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11083
  Ticket             | 11083
  Updated By         | horde at kyoshiro.org
  Summary            | Activesync showing only 6 contacts out of 400+
  Queue              | Turba
  Version            | 3.0.12
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Not A Bug
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

horde at kyoshiro.org (2012-03-19 15:32) wrote:

>> Then you have to find out why Turba's search functions return more
>> than one result for for the UID field see Turba_Api#export() in
>> turba/lib/Api.php.
> Ok I'll try to use these functions and I'll come back to you afterwards
>> Because you already have done the initial SYNC. After the first SYNC,
>> only changes reported by the history system are taken into account.
>> You can clear the ActiveSync binding to your device from either the
>> user ActiveSync prefs, or the device list in the administrative
>> section. This will re-do the initial sync.
> I tried reprovisionning devices and removing the device from the  
> administrative section, but no luck. I suppose there still are  
> issues with the results returned by my LDAP... or in the  
> configuration.

I've got my answer, I think. I'm using cn as identifier (__uid)

When I look for Joris, the Turba_Api::export('Joris', 'text/x-vcard')  
returns these 2 similar entries :
cn: Joris
cn: zzz Old Joris

I think the uid search is not an exact seach but a "contains" search,  
which I suppose is not valid behavior.
But then again, I'm not an expert so maybe I'm wrong ?
Is there a quick way to fix this (other than searching for contacts  
having their "cn" contained in another contact's "cn" and changing  
their __uid) ?

Thanks for your support.

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