[Tickets #11635] Re: ActiveSync AutoProvision - User name / email address option for AutoDiscovery not honoured

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Tue Nov 6 11:53:08 UTC 2012


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11635
  Ticket             | 11635
  Updated By         | horde at agotnes.com
  Summary            | ActiveSync AutoProvision - User name / email address
                     | option for AutoDiscovery not honoured
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

horde at agotnes.com (2012-11-06 11:53) wrote:

>>> I have set the option to strip the email address of everything from @
>>> onwards;
>>> $conf['activesync']['autodiscovery'] = 'user';
>>> When using AutoDiscovery from an iOS6 device I get these login
>>> entries from Dovecot indicating this option isn't honoured;
>>> Nov  3 10:00:03 skadi dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (auth failed,
>>> 2 attempts in 13 secs): user=<horde at agotnes.com>
>>> I had a quick look around the sourcecode for where the stripping code
>>> is but couldn't find it :)
>> I can't reproduce this. Translating an email address to user works
>> fine for me.  You will have to track this down yourself.
>> The code that is responsible for returning the username given an
>> email address is in
>> Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::getUsernameFromEmail(). You can clearly
>> see the code that returns only the mailbox portion of the email
>> address.  It is called from
>> Horde_ActiveSync_Request_Autodiscover::handle().
> Interestingly - I can't find these methods so I might be missing  
> something from the install!
> I ran a few grep commands and can't find anything like;
> Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::getUsernameFromEmail()
> or
> Horde_ActiveSync_Request_Autodiscover::handle()
> The latter I looked for using ;
> grep -r -i autodiscover *
> And found;
> config/conf.php:$conf['activesync']['autodiscovery'] = 'user';
> config/conf.xml:     <configheader>Autodiscovery</configheader>
> config/conf.xml:     <configenum name="autodiscovery" desc="Some  
> devices attempt to use an
> config/conf.xml:     Autodiscovery service to configure the device's  
> account using only the
> config/conf.xml:     alias on your webserver to point  
> /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml to
> config/conf.bak.php:$conf['activesync']['autodiscovery'] = 'hook';
> rpc.php:   (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],  
> 'autodiscover/autodiscover.xml') !== false)) {
> Can you confirm which Horde files these methods should be in and  
> I'll review and try to re-install the package maybe?
> The trick is - AS works ok for me now for email using a couple of  
> iOS 6.0.1 devices - can't be missing that much?

Found the code here ;
/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync :)

Will review tomorrow :)

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