[Tickets #11740] Re: Missing English language locale?

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Thu Nov 22 17:52:02 UTC 2012


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11740
  Ticket             | 11740
  Updated By         | Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
  Summary            | Missing English language locale?
  Queue              | Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
  Version            | 5.0.1
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Not A Bug
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> (2012-11-22 18:52) wrote:

>>>>> I got a question about horde webmail, I installed it just fine,
>>>>> except now in the configuration panel and all that jazz, it's not in
>>>>> "English", as in it's all variables.
>>>> Can you please rephrase? I don't understand what problem you are
>>>> describing.
>>> Sure. In the administration/configuration, for Horde for example, the
>>> "options" are variables, and not like actual words that briefly
>>> identify the option (not the description). I'm not sure if it's
>>> supposed to be this way, because it's very confusing to my eyes, but
>>> if it is this way, wouldn't it be better to have the name of the
>>> variable show up on mouseover of the option name? I'll attach a
>>> screenshot to aid in the identification of my question.
>> That's supposed to be that way.
> Oh. I got confused because in the INSTALL file/guide on the website  
> it said stuff like "In the Configuration type pulldown menu select  
> Separate values. ", leading me to believe that I was missing a  
> language pack or something since the options were all variables.  
> Wouldn't it be "nicer" if instead of having the variable show by  
> default, have the variable show on mouseover, and what is displayed  
> instead of the variable next to the value is something like "Auth  
> Method" or something?

That's what the description is for.

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