[Tickets #11751] unable to recreate user preferences

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Fri Nov 23 20:09:52 UTC 2012


Ticket-URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11751
  Ticket           | 11751
  Erstellt Von     | jmozdzen at nde.ag
  Zusammenfassung  | unable to recreate user preferences
  Warteschlange    | Horde Framework Packages
  Version          | Git master
  Typ              | Bug
  Status           | Unconfirmed
  Priorität        | 1. Low
  Milestone        |
  Patch            |
  Zuständige       |

jmozdzen at nde.ag (2012-11-23 20:09) hat geschrieben:

Today I had to drop my (even pre-H4-) IMAP-based user preferences,  
which seem to have caused severe problems with various Horde5  
components. I did so by deleting the IMAP folder  
"Benutzereinstellungen", a direct child of "INBOX" on my Cyrus IMAP  
server. I'm using Kolab integration.

While zapping those old preferences helped fixing a lot of other  
problems, I had more than a hard time to get new preferences stored:  
After logging in with my user account. entering new configuration  
values and receiving positive acknowledgment when selecting to store  
them, they still were all gone once I logged off and logged in again.

Only after I manually re-created the folder "Benutzereinstellungen"  
(from within H5/imp), preferences were store in the typical Kolab  
style of IMAP files.

Why did I have to recreate that folder, rather than the preferences  
subsystem creating it when storing preferences? Why did I receive  
positive acknowledgment when storing the preferences, although no  
preferences were available after logging off/on?

How's the folder to store the preferences in selected? May they have  
been stored in some other user's preferences folder? If so, why  
weren't those preferences re-read after logging in with my original  
folder deleted? (I've seen one case of cross-over preferences stored  
in another user's folder  I had write permissions for. That user saw  
"my" identities, but obviously as an individual copy, as deleting  
those identities in that account didn't influence those in my  

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