[Tickets #11773] Cleanup default address book mess

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Wed Nov 28 13:41:18 UTC 2012


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11773
  Ticket             | 11773
  Created By         | Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
  Summary            | Cleanup default address book mess
  Queue              | Turba
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Horde Developers

Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> (2012-11-28 14:41) wrote:

We currently have 3 different ways to determine a default address  
book, some using each other, and used differently and different places.

1) default_dir preference
Only used in 2) and when importing contacts.
2) Turba_Api::getDefaultShare()
Only works on shares, looks for the 'default' share parameter (only  
set by Kolab), but falls back to default_dir pref, which could be any,  
even non-share address book. Only place used is the hook example for  
IMP's 'add_source' preference.
3) Turba::getDefaultAddressbook()
Simply picks the first share or the first of all address books,  
complete ignoring user preferences and is used in some API methods, as  
the default synchronization source, and to determine the initial  
address book after logging in.

It might make sense to have different defaults for general address  
book usage and for adding contacts, though:
- The default_dir pref mentions both adding and importing contacts,  
while it's only used for importing contacts.
- We don't do this in any other application. Granted, all other  
applications can display more than one source, so this makes Turba  

Another problem: after (my) removal of the address book sorting and  
selection, there is no way anymore for the user to define the default  
address book (by moving it to the top of the list).

So my short-term suggestion is to use default_dir for all default  
address book selections, defaulting to whatever the backend provides  
as the default (Kolab), and falling back to the first of all available  
address books, with a priority to the user's own shares.

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