[Tickets #11884] PHP ERROR: Argument 1 passed to IMP_Factory_MimeViewer::create() must be an instance of Horde_Mime_Part, null given
bugs at horde.org
bugs at horde.org
Fri Dec 14 06:15:33 UTC 2012
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11884
Ticket | 11884
Created By | adi at ddns.com.au
Summary | PHP ERROR: Argument 1 passed to
| IMP_Factory_MimeViewer::create() must be an instance of
| Horde_Mime_Part, null given
Queue | IMP
Version | Git master
Type | Bug
State | Unconfirmed
Priority | 2. Medium
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners |
adi at ddns.com.au (2012-12-14 06:15) wrote:
I have a possibly malformed email which causes IMP to display "Error
when communicating with the server" red alert when trying to select a
particular message. It's some banking scam with a zipfile attached. I
can send the raw message off-list, if needed.
The same message doesn't cause any errors in other clients tested so
far - Claws Mail, Thunderbird, like Horde IMP 4.3.9, Atmail
Here are relevant log entries from Horde debug log and Apache error_log:
2012-12-14T17:05:41+11:00 DEBUG: HORDE Horde_Registry: retrieved app
with cache ID
horde_registry|app|1354578899|e9ac65fcc9e2dd22811abec38e965d3b [pid
1974 on line 1969 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Registry.php"]
2012-12-14T17:05:41+11:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Load config file
(conf.php; app: imp) [pid 1974 on line 477 of
2012-12-14T17:05:43+11:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Load config file
(mime_drivers.php; app: horde) [pid 1974 on line 477 of
2012-12-14T17:05:43+11:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Load config file
(mime_drivers.php; app: imp) [pid 1974 on line 477 of
2012-12-14T17:05:43+11:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] PHP ERROR: Argument 1
passed to IMP_Factory_MimeViewer::create() must be an instance of
Horde_Mime_Part, null given, called in
/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Contents.php on line 1052 and defined [pid 1974
on line 44 of "/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Factory/MimeViewer.php"]
2012-12-14T17:05:43+11:00 DEBUG: HORDE 1.
2. call_user_func() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application.php:155
3. IMP_Ajax_Application_Handler_Common->showMessage()
4. IMP_Ajax_Queue->message()
5. IMP_Ajax_Application_ShowMessage->showMessage()
6. IMP_Contents->getInlineOutput()
7. IMP_Contents->canDisplay() /var/www/horde/imp/lib/Contents.php:1345
8. IMP_Mime_Viewer_Related->canRender()
9. IMP_Mime_Viewer_Related->_init()
10. IMP_Contents->canDisplay()
11. IMP_Factory_MimeViewer->create() /var/www/horde/imp/lib/Contents.php:1052
12. Horde_ErrorHandler::errorHandler()
2012-12-14T17:05:43+11:00 WARN: HORDE [imp] PHP ERROR:
spl_object_hash() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given [pid
1974 on line 48 of "/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Factory/MimeViewer.php"]
2012-12-14T17:05:43+11:00 DEBUG: HORDE 1.
2. call_user_func() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application.php:155
3. IMP_Ajax_Application_Handler_Common->showMessage()
4. IMP_Ajax_Queue->message()
5. IMP_Ajax_Application_ShowMessage->showMessage()
6. IMP_Contents->getInlineOutput()
7. IMP_Contents->canDisplay() /var/www/horde/imp/lib/Contents.php:1345
8. IMP_Mime_Viewer_Related->canRender()
9. IMP_Mime_Viewer_Related->_init()
10. IMP_Contents->canDisplay()
11. IMP_Factory_MimeViewer->create() /var/www/horde/imp/lib/Contents.php:1052
12. spl_object_hash() /var/www/horde/imp/lib/Factory/MimeViewer.php:48
13. Horde_ErrorHandler::errorHandler()
2012-12-14T17:05:43+11:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Max memory usage:
17301504 bytes [pid 1974 on line 542 of
[Fri Dec 14 17:03:53 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
error: Call to a member function getType() on a non-object in
/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Factory/MimeViewer.php on line 54, referer:
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