[Tickets #11983] Re: limit synced mailboxes by user preferences

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Jan 21 11:41:00 UTC 2013


Ticket-URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11983
  Ticket           | 11983
  Aktualisiert Von | jmozdzen at nde.ag
  Zusammenfassung  | limit synced mailboxes by user preferences
  Warteschlange    | Synchronization
  Version          | Git master
  Typ              | Enhancement
  Status           | Feedback
  Priorität        | 1. Low
  Milestone        |
  Patch            | 1
  Zuständige       |

jmozdzen at nde.ag (2013-01-21 11:41) hat geschrieben:

> If we do this, I think I'd do it as a INBOX and Special Folders only  
> or all subscribed folders.
> [...]
> You can't use the prefs object inside the library code. This would  
> have to be implemented inside Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::  
> probably in _getMailFolders() or it's own filtering method.
> [...]
> Update the patch with the above changes and I'll look at adding it  
> in Horde 5.1.

I've move the code to Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::_getMailFolders(),  
which works as expected (at the current stage of development). But two  
questions remain:

Isn't "Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::_getMailFolders()" part of "the  
library code" as well? For both places I've implemented this so far,  
accessing the preferences worked as expected, probably because the  
routines were called in the context of a logged-in user. If this may  
cause problems for other types of invocation (without user context),  
I'd need some architectural guidance.

Secondly, is there a proper way to detect which folders returned by  
"_imap->getMailboxes()" are "special" mailboxes? I believe that even  
if I set preference to only see "INBOX", I'd need at least "Trash" and  
"Sent" as well, and probably "Drafts" (and "Templates"?) too. I've  
seen no specific attributes for these folders and remember that some  
clients I used were able to select which folder to use for these  
I've seen code to somewhat handle this in IMP - would the "proper" way  
be to use the same code as IMP does, to determine which folder is a  
special folder? I'll then have to dig through IMP to find out if this  
is available to me within the ActiveSync context or if I'll have to  
somehow duplicate it (yuck ;) ).

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