[Tickets #11735] Re: creating new task fails

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri Feb 1 22:17:31 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11735
  Ticket             | 11735
  Updated By         | gedeoncamdg at yahoo.ca
  Summary            | creating new task fails
  Queue              | Nag
  Version            | 4.0.0
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Duplicate
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

gedeoncamdg at yahoo.ca (2013-02-01 22:17) wrote:

The clue to this problem is here (taken from  

  This directive is required when you use a relative path in a  
substitution in per-directory (htaccess) context unless either of the  
following conditions are true:
     The original request, and the substitution, are underneath the  
DocumentRoot (as opposed to reachable by other means, such as Alias)...

My horde installation like the one reported previously are not  
physically located under document root but appears as such, using  
Alias directive. Rewrite module is enabled even though we don't use  
them in the server configuration. Nag would never accept, neither to  
create new task, nor to edit existing one. Though it could be done  
partially through kronolith. I must also mention that this horde  
production serveur has been up and running since more than three years  
passing from H3 to H4 and finally H5 whithout major problem except  
this one with H5.

Adding the following directive to the .htaccess file provided with H5  
which is located at the root directory of the horde installation, just  
after the line "RewriteEngine On" did solve the issue:
         RewriteBase /horde/

Adding the same directive in the directory section of the  
configuration file *does not* appear to work.

The .htaccess file, however seems to be a file that might be  
overwritten by future upgrades. May I suggest the Horde dev to at  
least include this information in the upgrade instructions for people  
having similar installation.

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