[Tickets #12139] Re: Sort by message date broken starting with horde_imap_client 2.7.0
noreply at bugs.horde.org
noreply at bugs.horde.org
Wed Mar 27 14:04:04 UTC 2013
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12139
Ticket | 12139
Updated By | aria at bsc.gwu.edu
Summary | Sort by message date broken starting with
| horde_imap_client 2.7.0
Queue | Horde Framework Packages
Version | Git master
Type | Bug
State | Feedback
Priority | 1. Low
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners |
aria at bsc.gwu.edu (2013-03-27 14:04) wrote:
> It doesn't happen in basic mode since there is no mechanism to
> explicitly change the Date sort - it ALWAYS uses the 'datesort'
> preference.
> Since the datesort preference defaults to sequence (pre-6.0.4:
> arrival, which is slightly different), basic view out-of-the-box
> will NEVER display messages in date *display* order (i.e. the dates
> that are actually displayed on the screen). Sequence sort can
> appear to not be sorted because it is not using those display dates
> - it is using the order the messages were added to the mailbox.
Well then I am not sure what to say. I clearly see the sorting
problem in Basic mode as well as other modes. In Basic mode, if I
login using horde_imap_client version after 2.6.0, the default sort
order is 'arrival time' which is what I want and is low overhead.
However, if I click the 'Date' column header, the sorting is changed
to 'sort by message date' to my understanding. Once this happens, the
sorting is completely messed up. If I click the 'Clear Sort' button,
then from my understanding, the sort is returned to 'arrival time'
order and everything is OK again. So, not sure why you said that date
sort is not available in Basic mode. On my production IMP 4.x system,
this is how it operates as well, however, there there is not clear
sort button, you have to click the column header with a # sign in it.
I still suspect something is broken between 2.6 and 2.7 in
horde_imap_client. Perhaps something that actually processes the mail
headers and dates within them.
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