[Tickets #12206] Can not import PGP public key in address book which is manual created

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Tue Apr 23 05:59:59 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12206
  Ticket             | 12206
  Created By         | tokimemofan at gmail.com
  Summary            | Can not import PGP public key in address book which is
                     | manual created
  Queue              | Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
  Version            | 5.0.4
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 3. High
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

tokimemofan at gmail.com (2013-04-23 05:59) wrote:

Software Version:
OS: Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 64-bit
Horde: Groupware Webmail Edition 5.0.4
PHP: 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.5 (installed by apt-get)
PGP: GunPG 1.4.11 (installed by apt-get)

1. Create a user "user1" in Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 64-bit
2. Horde 5 setting: administration -> configuration -> shares
    $conf['share']['no_sharing'] = false;
    $conf['share']['auto_create'] = true;
    $conf['share']['world'] = true;
    $conf['share']['any_group'] = false;
    $conf['share']['hidden'] = false;
    $conf['share']['cache'] = false;
    $conf['share']['driver'] = 'Sqlng';
3. address books:
    address book of user1 (auto created by horde)
    test (manual created)

Issue Duplication:
Case 1:
0. Login "user1".
1. Horde 5 setting: preferences -> address book -> address books
    Set default address book to "test".
2. Import a PGP public key to PGP public keyring.
3. The PGP public key and key owner data are stored in address book  
"address book of user1", not address book "test".

Case 2:
0. Login "user1".
1. Delete the address book "address book of user1".
2. Import a PGP public key to PGP public keyring, and error msg "A  
fatal error has occurred" appears.
3. Logout and re-login.
4. Horde 5 setting: preferences -> address book -> address books
    Set default address book to "test".
5. Import a PGP public key to PGP public keyring, and success msg  
appears. But no data appears in PGP public keyring and address book  
6. Delete the address book "test", and the address book "address book  
of user1" is auto-created.
7. The PGP public key and key owner data appear in address book  
"address book of user1". But no data appears in PGP public keyring.

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