[Tickets #12232] Re: PHP ERROR: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! on line 182 of framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Ids.php

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri May 3 06:05:16 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12232
  Ticket             | 12232
  Updated By         | tomi.orava at ncircle.nullnet.fi
  Summary            | PHP ERROR: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and
                     | INTEGER values!  on line 182 of
                     | framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Ids.php
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

tomi.orava at ncircle.nullnet.fi (2013-05-03 06:05) wrote:

> Can you provide a stack trace and/or the value of $this->_ids when  
> you get this error?

Ok, this seems to describe why the flip doesn't work ---> on windows  
client device
the _ids is an array as show below:

windows phone 8:

[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: _ids=[Array]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[1]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[2]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[3]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[4]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[5]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[6]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[7]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[8]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[9]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[10]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[11]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[12]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[13]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[14]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[15]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[16]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[17]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[18]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[19]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[20]

An android device:

[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: _ids=[Array]
[03-May-2013 05:57:36 UTC] ERROR: array=[386]

The output is retrieved using the following lines:

                     error_log("ERROR: _ids=[" . $errmsg . "]", 0);
                     foreach($this->_ids as $foobar) {
                         error_log("ERROR: array=[" . $foobar . "]", 0);

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