[Tickets #12266] Whups Mail Filter fails to detect queues

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon May 20 11:04:34 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12266
  Ticket             | 12266
  Created By         | chris.adam.smith at gmail.com
  Summary            | Whups Mail Filter fails to detect queues
  Queue              | Whups
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 3. High
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

chris.adam.smith at gmail.com (2013-05-20 11:04) wrote:

With a fresh installation of Whups H5, attempting to use the mail  
filter (/usr/bin/whups-mail-filter) always fails with the message:


Fatal Error:
--queue-name or --queue-id must specify a valid and public queue.  
Available queues:

1. Horde_Cli->fatal() /usr/bin/whups-mail-filter:164


Notice whups is not able to read any of the queues, as shown by the:
"Available queues: [ ]"

Creating a new queue in whups, assigning Guest permissions "Show,  
Read, Edit, Delete" (and the same permissions to the parent, "Tickets  
(Whups) ), the mail filter always fails to accept the message at the  
'Sanity Check'.

It does not matter if --queue-name or --queue-id are used as part of  
the call to whups-mail-filter:

/usr/bin/whups-mail-filter -a my at email.com -Q14
/usr/bin/whups-mail-filter -a my at email.com --queue-id 14
/usr/bin/whups-mail-filter -a my at email.com  --queue-name "EmailQueue"
=> --queue-name or --queue-id must specify a valid and public queue.  
Available queues:

I've tried various methods to get this to work, including removing  
*ALL* horde permissions. Nothing will allow whups-mail-filter to  
accept the message being passed to it.

Any and all comments and suggestions welcome. Version info:
PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.6 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Mar 11 2013 14:31:48)
Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies
Server version: Apache/2.2.22
Server built:   Mar  8 2013 15:53:18
Horde v5.0.4 (Whups 3.0-git)
I was going to update to Horde 5.1 today, if that solves the problem  
I'll close the ticket!

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