[Tickets #12405] tag filtering does not work among shared task lists

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Jun 24 14:57:06 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12405
  Ticket             | 12405
  Created By         | x.van_dessel at ieee.org
  Summary            | tag filtering does not work among shared task lists
  Queue              | Nag
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

x.van_dessel at ieee.org (2013-06-24 14:57) wrote:

Given a shared task list between 2 users (configured as a system list  
with the 2 users having full access to it).
User 1 defines a task in that task list with a new tag named "tag1".
User 1 then sees a button at the top of the task list to filter on the  
tag1 tag.
When user 2 logs on, the tag1 is shown alongside the task, but no  
filtering button appears.
User 2 then creates a task of himself in that list, using that same  
tag "tag1".
Then, the filter button appears at the top, but when activating the  
filter, only the task created by user 2 is shown, even if the other  
task from user 1 has that same tag. Moreover, if user 1 logs on again,  
he will see both tasks, both with the correct tag, but there again the  
filtering will only show his own task.

The rampage_tags and rampage_user_tag_stats tables indicate that only  
one physical tag entry exists with a unique id. But still the  
filtering differentiates for some reason between both users.

After some testing these are my preliminary conclusions:
- It is not important who adds the tag value, it is important who  
creates the task. If user 1 creates a task without any tag, and then  
user 2 edits the task to add the "tag1" tag, then only user 1 will be  
able to view the filtered entry. User 2 won't get to see it.
- The problem also occurs when using Filters with a tag filtering.
- I changed the nag_tasks owner field of a task (from user 1 to user  
2) but this had no effect on which of the users can filter it.

It is possible this problem goes beyond the scope of the nag  
application, eg. it could be that shared calendars have a similar tag  
filtering problem.

I could not find any work-around to get the desired behaviour (i.e.  
both users can use a common tag to filter all common tasks). If a  
work-around would exist, one could lower this priority of this bug.


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