[Tickets #12480] Re: Autocomplete includes all addresses for a user where any of them match

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Tue Jul 23 19:22:09 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12480
  Ticket             | 12480
  Updated By         | Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
  Summary            | Autocomplete includes all addresses for a user where
                     | any of them match
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | 6.1.3
  Type               | Enhancement
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> (2013-07-23 13:22) wrote:

I can verify that this works fine for me.  Here's the SQL statement  
that appears in the DEBUG logs (searching for the string "test"):

2013-07-23T13:21:01-06:00 DEBUG: HORDE [turba] SQL  (0.0144s)
         SELECT object_id, object_type, owner_id, object_members,
           object_nameprefix, object_firstname, object_middlenames,
           object_lastname, object_namesuffix, object_email FROM turba_objects
           WHERE (owner_id = 'slusarz' AND (object_firstname ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_lastname ILIKE '%test%' OR object_middlenames ILIKE  
'%test%' OR
           object_nameprefix ILIKE '%test%' OR object_namesuffix ILIKE '%test%'
           OR (object_nameprefix ILIKE '%test%' OR object_firstname ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_middlenames ILIKE '%test%' OR  
object_lastname ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_namesuffix ILIKE '%test%') OR object_alias ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_yomifirstname ILIKE '%test%' OR  
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_bday ILIKE '%test%' OR object_anniversary
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_spouse ILIKE '%test%' OR object_phototype
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homestreet ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homepob
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homecity ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_homeprovince ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homepostalcode ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_homecountry ILIKE '%test%' OR (object_nameprefix
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_firstname ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_middlenames ILIKE '%test%' OR object_lastname ILIKE  
'%test%' OR
           object_namesuffix ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homestreet ILIKE '%test%'
           OR object_homecity ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homeprovince ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_homepostalcode ILIKE '%test%') OR  
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_workpob ILIKE '%test%' OR object_workcity
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_workprovince ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_workpostalcode ILIKE '%test%' OR object_workcountry ILIKE
           '%test%' OR (object_nameprefix ILIKE '%test%' OR object_firstname
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_middlenames ILIKE '%test%' OR  
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_namesuffix ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_homestreet ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homecity ILIKE  
'%test%' OR
           object_homeprovince ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homepostalcode ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_workstreet ILIKE '%test%' OR  
object_workcity ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_workprovince ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_workpostalcode ILIKE '%test%') OR object_otherstreet ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_otherpob ILIKE '%test%' OR object_othercity ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_otherprovince ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_otherpostalcode ILIKE '%test%' OR object_othercountry ILIKE
           '%test%' OR (object_nameprefix ILIKE '%test%' OR object_firstname
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_middlenames ILIKE '%test%' OR  
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_namesuffix ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_homestreet ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homecity ILIKE  
'%test%' OR
           object_homeprovince ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homepostalcode ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_workstreet ILIKE '%test%' OR  
object_workcity ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_workprovince ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_workpostalcode ILIKE '%test%' OR object_otherstreet ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_othercity ILIKE '%test%' OR object_otherprovince
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_otherpostalcode ILIKE '%test%') OR
           object_department ILIKE '%test%' OR object_manager ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_assistant ILIKE '%test%' OR object_tz ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_email ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homephone ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_homephone2 ILIKE '%test%' OR object_homefax ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_workphone ILIKE '%test%' OR object_workphone2 ILIKE  
'%test%' OR
           object_cellphone ILIKE '%test%' OR object_carphone ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_radiophone ILIKE '%test%' OR object_companyphone  
ILIKE '%test%'
           OR object_assistantphone ILIKE '%test%' OR object_fax ILIKE '%test%'
           OR object_pager ILIKE '%test%' OR object_title ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_role ILIKE '%test%' OR object_company ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_logotype ILIKE '%test%' OR object_category ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_notes ILIKE '%test%' OR object_url ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_freebusyurl ILIKE '%test%' OR object_pgppublickey ILIKE
           '%test%' OR object_smimepublickey ILIKE '%test%' OR object_imaddress
           ILIKE '%test%' OR object_imaddress2 ILIKE '%test%' OR
           object_imaddress3 ILIKE '%test%')) [pid 7223 on line 558 of  

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