[Tickets #12506] Re: Contacts sync with ActiveSync get duplicates and not sync

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu Aug 8 15:13:36 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12506
  Ticket             | 12506
  Updated By         | Thomas Jarosch <thomas.jarosch at intra2net.com>
  Summary            | Contacts sync with ActiveSync get duplicates and not
                     | sync
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Assigned
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

Thomas Jarosch <thomas.jarosch at intra2net.com> (2013-08-08 15:13) wrote:

Hi Mike,

the duplicate detection fix has a nasty side effect:
When you create a new contact on the PIM and don't set a birthday field,
it will set the birthday and anniversary to the current date in turba.

This is what the client sent on adding a contact:
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I      <Add>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I       <ClientEntryId>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         new_39_1375974483846
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I       </ClientEntryId>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I       <Data>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I          9876/54321
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        <POOMCONTACTS:LastName>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I          Koreo
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        </POOMCONTACTS:LastName>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        <POOMCONTACTS:FirstName>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I          Samsungo
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        </POOMCONTACTS:FirstName>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        <POOMCONTACTS:FileAs>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I          Samsungo Koreo
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        </POOMCONTACTS:FileAs>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        <AirSyncBase:Body>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         <AirSyncBase:Type>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I           1
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         </AirSyncBase:Type>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         <AirSyncBase:Data>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         </AirSyncBase:Data>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        </AirSyncBase:Body>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        <POOMCONTACTS:Email1Address>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I          "Samsungo Koreo"  
<kim at korea.com>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        </POOMCONTACTS:Email1Address>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        <POOMCONTACTS:Categories>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         <POOMCONTACTS:Category>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I           Friends
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I         </POOMCONTACTS:Category>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I        </POOMCONTACTS:Categories>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I       </Data>
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 INFO: [1809]  
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::changeMessage(@Contacts@,  ...)
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 INFO: [1809] Using MODSEQ 2708 for @Contacts at .
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 INFO: [1809] Updating state during change
2013-08-08T17:08:01+02:00 DEBUG: [1809] I      </Add>

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