[Tickets #12842] Fail to parse certain GPG-encrypted emails (e.g. with attached gpg keys)

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri Nov 15 15:58:38 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12842
  Ticket             | 12842
  Created By         | horde at immerda.ch
  Summary            | Fail to parse certain GPG-encrypted emails (e.g. with
                     | attached gpg keys)
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | 6.1.5
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

horde at immerda.ch (2013-11-15 15:58) wrote:

Sometimes IMP fails to correctly parse gpg encrypted e-mails with attachments.

Attached to this bug is an archive with an example and a screenshot  
how this looks like.

There is a mail.txt which is a mail that cannot be shown correctly, as  
you can see in the screenshot.

We can reproduce this by importing this mail into IMP, so you should  
have something to be able to reproduce it.

Also contained in the archive is the public/private key (no passphrase  
set!). So you should be able to open this mail.

Interesting is also that sometimes with other mails no content and  
attachments at all are displayed, only the gpg stati (as seen in  
screen2.png). In the attached mail-example, we can see the attached  
key, but not the content of the mail, as shown in screen.png.

BUT also the attached key is actually broken and misses some lines in  
the beginning, hence the attachment is actually broken.

The attached email can be shown correctly within Thunderbird and also  
in general to me the structure looks fine.

horde at immerda.ch (2013-11-15 15:58) uploaded: encrypted_bugs.tar.bz2


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