[Tickets #12872] Re: link in desktop notification for tasks

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Tue Dec 3 15:47:31 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12872
  Ticket             | 12872
  Updated By         | samuel.wolf at wolf-maschinenbau.de
  Summary            | link in desktop notification for tasks
  Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Enhancement
  State              | Rejected
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

samuel.wolf at wolf-maschinenbau.de (2013-12-03 15:47) wrote:

>> Forget sometimes to complete my tasks and the notification come up
>> again, direct link to complete or open this task will be great.
> I've actually been working on this (for Kronolith) the past few  
> days. You have two observable events that pertain to this with  
> desktop notifications, onclick and onclose. Currently, the 'onclose'  
> event (which is fired when closing the notification without clicking  
> the link/text/open button) snoozes the event. Clicking the the  
> link/text/open fires the onclick event and currently dismisses the  
> event's alarm. In both cases a new notification *should* be shown  
> (works in everything except safari right now) stating what occurred.

sounds good!

> I tried implementing it so that clicking the link actually opened  
> the event, but couldn't get a workflow that I liked. What was  
> happening was that clicking the link would open the event (should  
> this be in the current window, a new window?) and then trigger yet  
> another

Should be a new window, because if i edit for example a event in this  
moment i lose this content.

> notification. The only way to avoid that would be to dismiss/snooze  
> the event first - and the user might not know which he wants yet  
> until he views the event. Ideally it would be great if we could have  
> multiple links/buttons in the notification, but that's not available  
> in the Notification API.

Really good question, i guess if i click onto the link in the  
notification it should dismiss it as well.

> Anyway, I'll do similar logic for Nag, unless you have any input  
> into the workflow...

No, not so easy as i think before :-)

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