[Tickets #12866] Re: Many mail headers wrongfully displayed as invalid address, no subject, wrong date and size

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu Dec 19 09:54:27 UTC 2013


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12866
  Ticket             | 12866
  Updated By         | wuestenwal at yahoo.de
  Summary            | Many mail headers wrongfully displayed as invalid
                     | address, no subject,  wrong date and size
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Assigned
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Jan Schneider

wuestenwal at yahoo.de (2013-12-19 09:54) wrote:

>> Would it help somehow if would make a remote support session?
> No.  We don't do remote sessions.
> You need to instead investigate locally and be able to provide  
> step-by-step instructions for a developer to be able to reproduce on  
> their machine.

It's easier to say than to do - I observe the documented failure  
permanently with all browsers I use (even with chrome on an android  
device) and as don't have a second horde installation I can't say what  
to do to reproduce the behavior in your development system.
The only thing I can tell by now is that I get the following error  
message in the system log file right after opening Imp:

     HORDE: [imp] PHP ERROR: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()  
[pid 7570 on line 2594 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Imap/Client/Socket.php"]

So for me and at the first glance it seems to be a problem with the  
Horde_Imap_Client module. But it can also be a downstream problem.  
What (in terms of debugging output) can I add to the Socket.php file  
to better understand what is the main problem with the arguments for  
the foreach statement?

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