[Tickets #9773] Re: Date column not updated after midnight

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri Jan 31 09:41:23 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9773
  Ticket             | 9773
  Updated By         | jmozdzen at nde.ag
  Summary            | Date column not updated after midnight
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Enhancement
  State              | Resolved
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Slusarz
+New Attachment     | 2014-01-31-IMP-dates.png

jmozdzen at nde.ag (2014-01-31 09:41) wrote:

>> doesn't work for me (see #12940) with IMP 6.1.6, Horde_Imap_Client
>> 2.17.1. IMAP server is Cyrus 2.4.17.
> Verified working.  The browser cache ID for a mailbox is appended  
> with a string of the form "D###" where ### indicates the current day  
> of the year.  This cache id is guaranteed to change after midnight,  
> at which point the browser empties its message cache and fetches a  
> new mailbox slice from the server (with the updated dates).

attached a "proof-of-notworking4me" image from today - you can clearly  
see yesterday's messages with time-only timestamps. It's from a  
session run over-night.

According to "pear list-ugrades", the server is running the latest  
modules as of today. I had run a "horde-clear-cache" after the recent  
upgrade (which, iirc, included an update to some caching module). But  
these symptoms have been here since forever, not just after the recent  
upgrade. And in case it might matter, we're running Kolab backends here.

How may I trace this "browser cache ID" thing - I ran a network trace  
last night, but unfortunately forgot to tune down the encryption  
methods... wireshark wouldn't decode the SSL traffic despite having  
the private server key :[ Is that the right traffic to look at (so I'd  
repeat the test next night) or is this something that acts either  
client-side only or server-side only?

This still is low prio to me, but since I've already started looking  
into this, I offer to take it further...

jmozdzen at nde.ag (2014-01-31 09:41) uploaded: 2014-01-31-IMP-dates.png


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