[Tickets #12950] issue with automatic synckronization from clients

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri Jan 31 16:00:33 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12950
  Ticket             | 12950
  Created By         | gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
  Summary            | issue with automatic synckronization from clients
  Queue              | Kronolith
  Version            | 4.1.4
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr (2014-01-31 16:00) wrote:

Since I did the migration horde 5.1.1 to 5.1.5 and kronolith 4.1.0 to 4.1.4
My horde.log is polluted with error messages :
EMERG: HORDE [horde] User is not authorized  [pid 7706 on line 1547 of
« /www/horde5/pear/php/Horde/Registry.php « ]

It appears that this issue are linked with subscriptions at kronolith
agendas from thunderbird/Lightning or Calendar (MacOS).

In order to trace this issue, I added two lines in Registry.php ($file
and $tt) as below.

if ($checkPerms) {
         if ($this->getAuth() && !$this->checkExistingAuth()) {
             $file = '/www/horde5/pear/php/Horde/debug-backtrace.txt';
             $tt = Horde::debug($GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), $file);
             throw new Horde_Exception_PushApp(
                                     'User is not authorized'.$tt,  
self::AUTH_FAILURE, $app);

"tail -300 debug-backtrace.txt" give  the output below.

2014-01-14T14:37:40+01:00 DEBUG: Variable information:
string(8) "jmartin"

1. Horde_Rpc_Webdav->getResponse() /www/horde5/rpc.php:156
2. Sabre\DAV\Server->exec() /www/horde5/pear/php/Horde/Rpc/Webdav.php:67
3. Sabre\DAV\Server->invokeMethod()
4. Sabre\DAV\Server->broadcastEvent()
5. call_user_func_array() /www/horde5/pear/php/Sabre/DAV/Server.php:433
6. Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin->beforeMethod()
7. Sabre\DAV\ObjectTree->nodeExists()
8. Sabre\DAV\ObjectTree->getNodeForPath()
9. Sabre\DAV\Collection->getChild()
10. Horde_Dav_RootCollection->getChildren()
11. Horde_Registry->hasMethod()
12. Horde_Registry_Api->methods()
13. Ingo_Api->disabled() /www/horde5/pear/php/Horde/Registry/Api.php:86
14. Horde_Registry->pushApp() /www/horde5/ingo/lib/Api.php:37
15. Horde::debug() /www/horde5/pear/php/Horde/Registry.php:1548

I eventually managed to reproduce this issue with my own account? It  
appears that theses error messages (User is not authorized) are logged  
when the users configure his client Thunderbird/Lightning or Calendar  
(apple) for an automatic synchronization. With a manual  
synchronization, all works very fine?
I have never encountered this issue with horde 5.1.1 kronolith 4.1.0.  
Now it is horde 5.1.5 and kronolith 4.1.4.

A request that is not recognized by horde ?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.

Gérard Breiner

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