[Tickets #12861] Re: Kolab backend: Foreign contacts cause distribution list to vanish

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu Mar 6 13:15:38 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12861
  Ticket             | 12861
  Updated By         | Thomas Jarosch <thomas.jarosch at intra2net.com>
  Summary            | Kolab backend: Foreign contacts cause distribution list
                     | to vanish
  Queue              | Turba
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Not A Bug
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Jan Schneider

Thomas Jarosch <thomas.jarosch at intra2net.com> (2014-03-06 13:15) wrote:

>> -> turba strips down the distribution list to existing contacts only.
> This is correct and intended behavior. Turba distribution lists  
> cannot be mapped one-to-one to Kolab distribution lists. In Turba  
> list members are links to existing contacts, in Kolab members are  
> simple name/email entries.
> Contacts that can not (longer) be found, will be removed from a  
> distribution list.

can't we just keep the unknown ones (in the Kolab driver) for now?

I'm pretty sure there will be some users that will be quite angry when  
we silently remove entries.
I know at least one user that organizes large contact groups via  
distribution lists in another Kolab client.

If you want to, you can go on with the release, but this
should definitely be resolved in the next release.

>> The same problem occurs when you add a contact from a different
>> addressbook to a distribution list. It's simply not added, probably
>> the same problem.
> See bug #12860

thanks, working!

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