[Tickets #13234] Re: Bugs with ActiveSync and iOS

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Tue Jun 3 22:32:27 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13234
  Ticket             | 13234
  Updated By         | Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
  Summary            | Bugs with ActiveSync and iOS
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | FRAMEWORK_5_1
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> (2014-06-03 22:32) wrote:

> Sorry, i have current small timeslots to answer the bug reports.
> 1. This is not nice. I use Thundebird and current IOS IMAP Client,  
> both are configt to use Trashfolder for deleting mails but in Inbox  
> the Mail is on delete markd as DELETED and not removed. So the Mails  
> will Display in Sync Folder.

I still don't understand. You say "both are configured to use Trash  
folder", but then you say that they aren't moved to Trash, but rather  
marked as Deleted? This is a client problem, not a Horde problem.

> 2. Not Only Deleting from mails will give back an error. The same  
> error, i become if i move a Message to an Folder on IOS Device.  
> After Moving i become following Message:
> --
> E-Mail konnte nicht bewegt werden.
> Die E-Mail konnte nicht in das Postfach xxxx bewegt werden.
> --
> In English if needet:
> E-Mail could not moved.
> The E-Mail could not moved to folder xxx.
> --
> But this is only a message from Device, the message was moved, this  
> i see in Horde IMP and in Thunderbird.

I would need a sync log to see what is going on here.

> So i have 2 Questions:
> 1. You need more Debugging Information too check was wrong. Can you  
> please tell me what i must change to add logging and loglevel. i  
> have tryed but im not 100% sure, if i right here.

Under the activesync tab of the main horde configuration screen there  
are sync logging options.

> 2. I have on IMAP Server a folder Structur. I am not sure, if it right.
> User Has:
> INBOX with subfolders for Sorting mails.
> parallel to INBOX, also sam level
> Trash
> Template
> Send
> Spam
> Send Messages
> Junk
> The Combination of Thunderbird, IOS IMAP, Horder and IOS IMAP create  
> any diverend folders.


> I have tryed to Setup the Right folders for Newuser in horde  
> configurations. Every New User with this connections create any  
> folders as dupe (Spam and Junk, or Send and Send Messages). Has you  
> a right Way how i can Setup the Right Folder Structur?

Please ask this on an appropriate mailing list. See  

> 3. I will describe is the Attachments.
> On my iOS with Active Sync any mails will displayed with a  
> attachment named: mime-attachment
> In the Mail this is the content:
> --
> This message is in MIME format.
> -=_fhskjdfhskjdfsdf--fdf1--
> Icon and mime-attachment
> --
> If i touch the attachment the ios device give me Sharing options  
> like Air Drop etc.
> On same Device with IMAP Connection the Mail are normal visible with content.
> I think current thats not a problem from active sync. I think this  
> is a problem with horde imp. The same Mails in IMP has only  
> Attachment "7BIT" and will not displayed inline. the same with HTML  
> Mails and Mails with "Alternative" this always will not inline  
> displayed, i can ony click on it and open it in another windows. I  
> think the mime_drivers will not work for this right. HTML is enabled  
> an inline set in mime_drivers.php.
> If you can help me, too corret the IMP settings and DISPLAY the  
> INLINES correct, i think this will also Displayed on IOS correct.
> the mails with 7BIT Attachment will be created from a shellscript  
> with Loginformation. Possible bad Mail Header content in mails, but  
> IOS with IMAP will work with them and Thunderbird also.

Same here. This is either a configuration issue, or broken email  
messages. Ask on the mailing list, this is not a bug.

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