[Tickets #13263] css problem with rb_window (kronolitheventdialog)

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri Jun 13 14:14:45 UTC 2014


Ticket-URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13263
  Ticket           | 13263
  Erstellt Von     | herde at tuhh.de
  Zusammenfassung  | css problem with rb_window (kronolitheventdialog)
  Warteschlange    | Horde Base
  Version          | 5.2.0beta2
  Typ              | Bug
  Status           | Unconfirmed
  Priorität        | 2. Medium
  Milestone        | 5,2
  Patch            |
  Zuständige       |

herde at tuhh.de (2014-06-13 14:14) hat geschrieben:

using firefox on mac os x or windows 7
having horde 5.2 beta 3 installed on the server

the kronolitheventdialog stucks under the firefox frame  partialy  
covered and not very usefull.

i found two css attributes involed (see png) - inline margin-top and  
#rb_window top.
if i disable one of them the dialog windows slips into the middle of  
the rb_overlay element as it is intended.

this ist the output of the pear list command only to document the  
state of the server

Installed packages, channel pear.horde.org:
Package                      Version     State
imp                          6.2.0beta2  beta
ingo                         3.2.0beta2  beta
kronolith                    4.2.0beta2  beta
mnemo                        4.2.0alpha1 alpha
nag                          4.2.0beta1  beta
timeobjects                  2.1.0       stable
trean                        1.0.3       stable
turba                        4.2.0beta1  beta
webmail                      5.1.4       stable

Horde_ActiveSync             2.16.5      stable
Horde_Alarm                  2.2.1       stable
Horde_Argv                   2.0.9       stable
Horde_Auth                   2.1.4       stable
Horde_Autoloader             2.1.0       stable
Horde_Autoloader_Cache       2.1.0       stable
Horde_Browser                2.0.7       stable
Horde_Cache                  2.5.0       stable
Horde_Cli                    2.0.5       stable
Horde_Compress               2.0.8       stable
Horde_Compress_Fast          1.0.2       stable
Horde_Constraint             2.0.1       stable
Horde_Controller             2.0.1       stable
Horde_Core                   2.12.0beta3 beta
Horde_Crypt                  2.4.3       stable
Horde_Crypt_Blowfish         1.0.2       stable
Horde_CssMinify              1.0.0       stable
Horde_Css_Parser             1.0.4       stable
Horde_Data                   2.0.5       stable
Horde_DataTree               2.0.1       stable
Horde_Date                   2.0.10      stable
Horde_Date_Parser            2.0.2       stable
Horde_Dav                    1.0.7       stable
Horde_Db                     2.1.2       stable
Horde_Editor                 2.0.4       stable
Horde_ElasticSearch          1.0.2       stable
Horde_Exception              2.0.4       stable
Horde_Feed                   2.0.2       stable
Horde_Form                   2.0.8       stable
Horde_Group                  2.0.3       stable
Horde_HashTable              1.1.3       stable
Horde_History                2.3.1       stable
Horde_Http                   2.1.1       stable
Horde_Icalendar              2.0.9       stable
Horde_Image                  2.0.9       stable
Horde_Imap_Client            2.22.0      stable
Horde_Imsp                   2.0.5       stable
Horde_Injector               2.0.3       stable
Horde_Itip                   2.0.6       stable
Horde_JavascriptMinify       1.1.0       stable
Horde_JavascriptMinify_Jsmin 1.0.1       stable
Horde_Kolab_Format           2.0.5       stable
Horde_Kolab_Server           2.0.2       stable
Horde_Kolab_Session          2.0.1       stable
Horde_Kolab_Storage          2.1.0       stable
Horde_Ldap                   2.1.0       stable
Horde_ListHeaders            1.1.3       stable
Horde_Lock                   2.1.1       stable
Horde_Log                    2.1.0       stable
Horde_LoginTasks             2.0.3       stable
Horde_Mail                   2.3.0       stable
Horde_Mail_Autoconfig        1.0.0beta2  beta
Horde_Mapi                   1.0.2       stable
Horde_Memcache               2.0.6       stable
Horde_Mime                   2.4.1       stable
Horde_Mime_Viewer            2.0.7       stable
Horde_Mongo                  1.0.2       stable
Horde_Nls                    2.0.4       stable
Horde_Notification           2.0.1       stable
Horde_Oauth                  2.0.1       stable
Horde_OpenXchange            1.0.0       stable
Horde_Pack                   1.0.1       stable
Horde_Pdf                    2.0.3       stable
Horde_Perms                  2.1.2       stable
Horde_Prefs                  2.6.0       stable
Horde_Queue                  1.1.1       stable
Horde_Rdo                    2.0.2       stable
Horde_Role                   1.0.1       stable
Horde_Routes                 2.0.2       stable
Horde_Rpc                    2.1.1       stable
Horde_Scribe                 2.0.1       stable
Horde_Secret                 2.0.2       stable
Horde_Serialize              2.0.2       stable
Horde_Service_Facebook       2.0.6       stable
Horde_Service_Gravatar       1.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Service_Twitter        2.1.1       stable
Horde_Service_Weather        2.1.1       stable
Horde_SessionHandler         2.2.4       stable
Horde_Share                  2.0.5       stable
Horde_Smtp                   1.5.1       stable
Horde_Socket_Client          1.1.1       stable
Horde_SpellChecker           2.1.1       stable
Horde_Stream                 1.6.1       stable
Horde_Stream_Filter          2.0.2       stable
Horde_Stream_Wrapper         2.1.0       stable
Horde_Support                2.1.1       stable
Horde_SyncMl                 2.0.3       stable
Horde_Template               2.0.1       stable
Horde_Test                   2.4.1       stable
Horde_Text_Diff              2.0.2       stable
Horde_Text_Filter            2.2.1       stable
Horde_Text_Filter_Csstidy    2.0.1       stable
Horde_Text_Filter_Jsmin      1.0.1       stable
Horde_Text_Flowed            2.0.1       stable
Horde_Thrift                 2.0.1       stable
Horde_Timezone               1.0.6       stable
Horde_Token                  2.0.5       stable
Horde_Translation            2.1.0       stable
Horde_Tree                   2.0.2       stable
Horde_Url                    2.2.3       stable
Horde_Util                   2.4.0       stable
Horde_Vfs                    2.2.0       stable
Horde_View                   2.0.4       stable
Horde_Xml_Element            2.0.1       stable
Horde_Xml_Wbxml              2.0.1       stable
content                      2.0.4       stable
gollem                       3.0.2       stable
horde                        5.2.0beta2  beta
horde_lz4                    1.0.3       stable

herde at tuhh.de (2014-06-13 14:14) hat hochgeladen: CSS-Problem-H5.2beta2.png


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