[Tickets #12432] Re: Synchronisation of calendar via SyncML fails

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Sep 15 15:45:02 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12432
  Ticket             | 12432
  Updated By         | bb at sunbeamcentre.com
  Summary            | Synchronisation of calendar via SyncML fails
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

bb at sunbeamcentre.com (2014-09-15 15:45) wrote:

Brand new installation of horde, similar issues with SyncML. Client  
would receive new contacts and calendar items from horde, but anything  
created or changed client-side would not sync back. Any updates made  
to previously-synced items on the server side would also not sync to  
the client.

- Horde 5.2.2 (PEAR installation)
- Funambol Sync Client 10.1.6
- Outlook 2010 (14.0.7128.5000 x86)

Originally had similar 'HORDE [ingo] IMP is marked as authenticated,  
but no credentials can be found in the session.' in logfiles from  
previous testing, but now I'm getting the following:

2014-09-15T14:33:07+00:00 WARN: HORDE PHP ERROR: session_destroy():  
Trying to destroy uninitialized session [pid 6180 on line 303 of  

2014-09-15T14:33:09+00:00 WARN: HORDE PHP ERROR: session_destroy():  
Trying to destroy uninitialized session [pid 6276 on line 303 of  

2014-09-15T14:33:10+00:00 WARN: HORDE PHP ERROR: session_destroy():  
Trying to destroy uninitialized session [pid 6279 on line 303 of  

2014-09-15T14:33:10+00:00 INFO: HORDE Finished sync of database card  
user bb at xxx.com dev fol-TU9CU1JEQy1NSVMyOmJicm93bjM=. Failures: 0;  
changes from client (Add, Replace, Delete, AddReplaces): 0, 0, 0, 0;  
changes from server (Add, Replace, Delete): 0, 0, 0 [pid 6279 on line  
512 of  

I tried different session handlers (builtin/filesystem/mysql) and all  
methods left the same entries in the log.

The Funambol log shows no errors in synchronization, and does record  
the correct amount of new/changed items in testing. It also doesn't  
try and re-send anything, even if the items didn't make it into horde  
in a previous sync, which would seem to indicate that horde is  
recording the synchronization tokens properly, but it isn't  
creating/updating the actual items.

I'll update here if I find a solution. We want to replace our antique  
Exchange environment with horde but this is a deal-breaking issue for  
us as we have a lot of users on Outlook 2010.

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