[Tickets #13637] Re: Device wants to update a folder called Notes which does not exist

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Oct 20 23:50:27 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13637
  Ticket             | 13637
  Updated By         | software-horde at interfasys.ch
  Summary            | Device wants to update a folder called Notes which does
                     | not exist
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

software-horde at interfasys.ch (2014-10-20 23:50) wrote:

What happens if you rename the notepad both on the device and in Horde?
What about if you delete the folder in Horde and try to rename it on  
the device?
Or change the default folder in Horde so that you can rename the  
previous default one. I think that's what I did with this account and  
since it wasn't working, I ended up deleting that folder.

> Just verified that renaming a Notepad on the client also correctly  
> propagates the change back to the server.

I have no idea why this account does not work since the 3 other  
accounts sync just fine.
I've unticked the box, in order to have a single collection, but  
nothing changed, so I've re-enabled it and will update this ticket if  
I see some change.

> Ok. That's fine, and is as it should be.
> I just tested this from scratch on a BB10 simulator, and I correctly  
> see all of my available Notepads. I.e., NOT the @Notes@ entry. If  
> you have selected to enable multiple notepad support in Mnemo's  
> prefs, and it's still showing this I really have no idea what the  
> issue is. It works fine here.

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