[Tickets #13642] SQL syntax error when trying to add a Notepad from device

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Tue Oct 21 00:18:04 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13642
  Ticket             | 13642
  Created By         | software-horde at interfasys.ch
  Summary            | SQL syntax error when trying to add a Notepad from
                     | device
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

software-horde at interfasys.ch (2014-10-21 00:18) wrote:

There are 2 problems, one of which may not be Horde's fault.

On a BlackBerry 10 device with OS 10.3.1, create a Notes folder

On the BlackBerry, a Tasks folder will have been created. Could be a  
bug with the OS, but others don't seem to be having this issue.

In the Horde logs, I see a SQL syntax error.
INFO: [89553] Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::authenticate() attempt for  
user at domain.tld
INFO: [89553] FOLDERCREATE request received for user user at domain.tld
INFO: [89553] Device entry exists for BBALPHA, updating userAgent and version.
INFO: [89553] Request being handled for device: BBALPHA, Supporting  
protocol version: 14.1, Using Horde_ActiveSync v2.19.3
INFO: [89553] GET VARIABLES: Array
DEBUG: [89553] I  <FolderHierarchy:FolderCreate>
DEBUG: [89553] I   <FolderHierarchy:SyncKey>
DEBUG: [89553] I     {542e671b-21bc-4bd6-aeef-1c47904cae96}6
DEBUG: [89553] I   </FolderHierarchy:SyncKey>
DEBUG: [89553] I   <FolderHierarchy:ParentId>
DEBUG: [89553] I     Tffcae2bd
DEBUG: [89553] I   </FolderHierarchy:ParentId>
DEBUG: [89553] I   <FolderHierarchy:DisplayName>
DEBUG: [89553] I     Secrets
DEBUG: [89553] I   </FolderHierarchy:DisplayName>
DEBUG: [89553] I   <FolderHierarchy:Type>
DEBUG: [89553] I     15
DEBUG: [89553] I   </FolderHierarchy:Type>
DEBUG: [89553] I  </FolderHierarchy:FolderCreate>
INFO: [89553] Loading state for synckey  
INFO: [89553] Loading FOLDERSYNC state containing 15 folders.
INFO: [89553]  
Horde_ActiveSync_Connector_Importer::importFolderChange(, Secrets,  
Tffcae2bd, 15)
INFO: [89553] Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::changeFolder(, Secrets,  
Tasks:Qq5-SA5HpXiDvZoid7XCew2, , 15)
ERR: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have  
an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your  
MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ' 0)' at line 1

2014-10-21T00:56:09+02:00 ERR: HORDE [nag] SQL QUERY FAILED:  
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an  
error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your  
MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ' 0)' at line 1
         INSERT INTO nag_sharesng (share_name, share_parents, share_owner,
           attribute_name, attribute_color, attribute_desc, share_flags) VALUES
           ('1eR105zPiy3PBuYwAiVc4w1', NULL, 'user at domain.tld', 'Secrets', '',
           , 0) [pid 89553 on line 204 of  
2014-10-21T00:56:09+02:00 ERR: HORDE Returning HTTP 500 while handling  
FolderCreate command. [pid 89553 on line 159 of  
2014-10-21T00:56:09+02:00 ERR: HORDE Error in communicating with  
ActiveSync server: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation:  
1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that  
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use  
near ' 0)' at line 1 [pid 89553 on line 162 of  
2014-10-21T00:56:09+02:00 ERR: HORDE #0  
/var/www/html/webmail/nag/lib/Api.php(157): Nag::addTasklist(Array)
#1 [internal function]: Nag_Api->addTasklist('Secrets', Array)
#2 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/Registry.php(1136):  
call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#3 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/Registry.php(1093):  
Horde_Registry->callByPackage('nag', 'addTasklist', Array)
#4 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/Registry/Caller.php(41):  
Horde_Registry->call('tasks/addTaskli...', Array)
#5 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Connector.php(1200):  
Horde_Registry_Caller->__call('addTasklist', Array)
#6 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Connector.php(1200):  
Horde_Registry_Caller->addTasklist('Secrets', Array)
#7 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Driver.php(703):  
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Connector->createFolder('Tasks', 'Secrets')
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver->changeFolder(false, 'Secrets',  
'Tasks:Qq5-SA5Hp...', false, '15')
'Secrets', 'Tffcae2bd', '15')
#10 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Base.php(253):  
#11 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/ActiveSync.php(880):  
#12 /usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/Rpc/ActiveSync.php(143):  
Horde_ActiveSync->handleRequest('FolderCreate', 'BBALPHA')
#13 /var/www/html/webmail/rpc.php(159):  
#14 {main} [pid 89553 on line 162 of  
2014-10-21T00:56:09+02:00 ERR: HORDE Buffer contents:  [pid 89553 on  
line 162 of "/usr/local/php54/lib/php/Horde/Rpc/ActiveSync.php"]

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