[Tickets #12970] Re: Problems with S/MIME messages when sent to or received from a BlackBerry 10 device using BES

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Sat Oct 25 20:25:04 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12970
  Ticket             | 12970
  Updated By         | software-horde at interfasys.ch
  Summary            | Problems with S/MIME messages when sent to or received
                     | from a BlackBerry 10 device using BES
  Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

software-horde at interfasys.ch (2014-10-25 20:25) wrote:

Thank for the detailed example.
So there is no MIMESupport options being sent before the message  
itself is being sent in HTML.
Is there another tag to look for?

I've added a new folder to sync to see what would be asked and it  
seems it's expecting type 1,2 or 4 (text,html,mime).

Also any message sent by the device can't be decoded by Horde, even  
though it recognises that it's a S/MIME message.

Here is the log when adding the folder:
DEBUG: [91873] I    <Folder>
DEBUG: [91873] I     <SyncKey>
DEBUG: [91873] I       {544c0366-24f4-4ee2-841b-66e1904cae96}1
DEBUG: [91873] I     </SyncKey>
DEBUG: [91873] I     <FolderId>
DEBUG: [91873] I       Fc767dd23
DEBUG: [91873] I     </FolderId>
DEBUG: [91873] I     <GetChanges />
DEBUG: [91873] I     <WindowSize>
DEBUG: [91873] I       25
DEBUG: [91873] I     </WindowSize>
DEBUG: [91873] I     <Options>
DEBUG: [91873] I      <FolderType>
DEBUG: [91873] I        Email
DEBUG: [91873] I      </FolderType>
DEBUG: [91873] I      <FilterType>
DEBUG: [91873] I        0
DEBUG: [91873] I      </FilterType>
DEBUG: [91873] I      <MIMESupport>
DEBUG: [91873] I        1
DEBUG: [91873] I      </MIMESupport>
DEBUG: [91873] I      <MIMETruncation>
DEBUG: [91873] I        7
DEBUG: [91873] I      </MIMETruncation>
DEBUG: [91873] I      <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
DEBUG: [91873] I       <AirSyncBase:Type>
DEBUG: [91873] I         2
DEBUG: [91873] I       </AirSyncBase:Type>
DEBUG: [91873] I      </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
DEBUG: [91873] I      <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
DEBUG: [91873] I       <AirSyncBase:Type>
DEBUG: [91873] I         1
DEBUG: [91873] I       </AirSyncBase:Type>
DEBUG: [91873] I      </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
DEBUG: [91873] I      <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
DEBUG: [91873] I       <AirSyncBase:Type>
DEBUG: [91873] I         4
DEBUG: [91873] I       </AirSyncBase:Type>
DEBUG: [91873] I       <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
DEBUG: [91873] I         200000
DEBUG: [91873] I       </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
DEBUG: [91873] I      </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
DEBUG: [91873] I     </Options>
DEBUG: [91873] I    </Folder>

> That's why I'm asking. The logs below show an HTML message being  
> sent, which doesn't support SMIME. The device must explicitly  
> request a MIME message.

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